View Full Version : worried I have stomach cancer

28-03-16, 05:31
Hi Everyone,

so I've had indigestion on and off for about 10 years now.
I'm 40.
For the last couple of years it's been quite bad - not every day but at least once a week.
I was on losec for a month, I went off it and felt great for about 3 months, then I hate some salt n vinegar chips and the GERD came back.
Pain and indigestion and an ache in the top part of my abdomen - where my rib cages meet.
If I touch it it's tender and I've had that on and off for about 4 years.
I've had a colonography and that showed nothing.
I'm so scared I have stomach cancer - I'm pushing for an endoscopy even though my Dr has tried to get me seen and they refused. Not enough red flags?
Anyway stomach cancer - is that a fair for anyone?
How likely is that?
I've had a h-polyri test and that came back negative.
I'm really scared about it actually and I think it's a real possibility.
Anyone else have symptoms for this long and ok?
I also have IBS really badly too.
My stomach feels tight as if I've been crying... Thank you!:shrug::blush:

Also my sternum feels inflamed - it's sore to touch which I think I mentioned... but mentioning it again!

---------- Post added at 04:31 ---------- Previous post was at 03:41 ----------

I'm hope I"m not worrying anyone but love some support.

28-03-16, 10:57
Hi my mother was convinced she had stomach cancer when she was in her 30's, she also had it on and off for 10 years. If you've had it for 10 years and are still alive then it's not stomach cancer! My mother was diagnosed with IBS, she is 88 and still going strong!!

However, I would still push for an endoscopy as you may have gastritis (benign inflammation). If you are negative for Helicobacter Pylori you are unlikely to have an ulcer.

You may have Gerd (reflux of acid) which can be painful and there is medication for that. It can make the oesophagus (and sternum) feel very sore An endoscopy would show if reflux is an issue and also put your mind at rest.

The stomach is one of those area that is easily triggered by stress and takes a while to resolve.

Like my mother I've also had stomach issues (gastritis) which has now cleared. I tend to have low stomach acid which also caused indigestion etc so take digestive enzymes with my meals.

Your symptoms don't sound like stomach cancer at all.

Good luck with this and try to relax.


28-03-16, 19:17
I think you'd know by now. Your symptoms would be more pronounced. Blood in the stool would likely be present.

28-03-16, 19:24
I think you'd know by now. Your symptoms would be more pronounced. Blood in the stool would likely be present.

While blood "can" be a symptom that's not necessarily true. Suffice it to say that the OPs extensive post history, diagnosed IBS, GERD and other anxiety related symptoms would be the most likely cause.

Positive thoughts

28-03-16, 19:32
While blood "can" be a symptom that's not necessarily true. Suffice it to say that the OPs extensive post history, diagnosed IBS, GERD and other anxiety related symptoms would be the most likely cause.

Positive thoughts

Was just throwing that out as a generality. Just saying other symptoms would be more pronounced and a doctor can usually spot them.

28-03-16, 20:21
Bleeding from the stomach would produce a black tarry stool (ulcers can cause this). It would be easily identifiable and show up in an occult blood stool test.

28-03-16, 20:51
No bleeding and I've had a colonosgraphy which I'm assuming might show your stomach as well?
A CT colonography.
Man I hate worrying about everything so much.
Thanks guys..... would be good to get one done for my peace of mind more than anything and I'm sure if it is anything I would get it early!!

29-03-16, 16:20
My grandma died from SC. She had pain in her liver area to the point she couldn't move, hicupped relentlessly, lost 30 lbs. she died 2 months later. The important thing was she had h pylori and was 66. You don't get SC without h pylori. She never complained of indigestion. You Do Not have stomach cancer, you have gerd.

28-04-16, 11:30
Hi I'm very worried too I've had constant indigestion for about 5 weeks pain under ribs sore throat and chest and feeling uncomfortable it's driving me mad I had an endoscopy 18 months ago and it was all clear and my bloods have come back fine.... Medication doesn't do anything which causes me too worry more.... I hope we all find the peace we ate looking for coz right now I'm convinced I'm dying.... Think I might give meditation a go c

28-04-16, 16:41
Gerd is very common and easily treatable. If you've had tests and they came back negative then you are FINE.

I too was convinced of stomach cancer after a "lump" i found and hearing someone young dying from it a long time ago. I was so scared and was so convinced I had it. This actually had been going on for years so its obvious I never did or do have it now.

It was kind of an interesting time because I refused to take medication (no clue why) and finally took a 20mg prilosec and the symptoms just disappeared, everything I was so shocked. No more waking up coughing up acid, no stomach pain, no nausea, no bloating, nothing. It was obvious that I was suffering from GERD but refused to believe in something so simple.

I'm still taking the prilosec daily but I do eventually want to wean off it because the doc only gave me a 8 month script.

Anyhow we anxiety sufferers tend to make any illness the worst case scenario and no matter what, our minds are set against us.

Rather than discuss the symptoms, why not treat the current illness, LISTEN to the doctors ONLY and treat the anxiety at the same time.

If you switch your focus to your anxiety I'm willing to bet all your symptoms will clear up for the most part.

21-02-21, 21:17
Hi Everyone,

so I've had indigestion on and off for about 10 years now.
I'm 40.
For the last couple of years it's been quite bad - not every day but at least once a week.
I was on losec for a month, I went off it and felt great for about 3 months, then I hate some salt n vinegar chips and the GERD came back.
Pain and indigestion and an ache in the top part of my abdomen - where my rib cages meet.
If I touch it it's tender and I've had that on and off for about 4 years.

I was searching Internet to find what's happening to me and this is exactly it. When I touch that place between ribs is tender and I am in big pain sometimes, dull pain that lasts for hours. It started last summer and I had it four times since then. Yesterday and today was the fourth. Buscopan helped me but not at first.
I also feel nauseated in waves.

I had acid reflux four years ago during the stressful period and haven't had any problems after that since last summer, I guess the whole pandemic thing destroyed me mentally.

I am so scared that it is cancer. I've heard that someone very young died from it not long ago and I can't calm down. I am also afraid that this awful pain will become more often.

22-03-21, 12:43
I've been going through this for 9 months and still waiting on a endoscopy. My symptoms are constant acid reflux in my throat which burns my lips ears and nose . I also feel like I need to cough a lot . I have a terrible tight diaphragm. The anxiety its causing is so bad.