View Full Version : Arm twitch

28-03-16, 10:52
I have been having a constant twitch on my lower tricep for about 2 days now and this morning i woke up and it was still there. Its every second sometimes ever 2 or 3 and i am getting really worried. I dont think i have weakness and when i cannot see or feel it when i tense or even lift my arm but when i relax it it comes back. I slightly relieved as my friend told me he had an eye twitch for a week and he is fine but this is starting to stress me out and i am starting to focus on it a lot. If someone can give me advice or reassurance i would be very thankful. Thanks for reading

28-03-16, 13:50
I had this also last week. It lasted close to the week. If I watched it, I could see these random big twitches. It went away eventually. I doubt we both have an issue. I wouldn't worry.

28-03-16, 15:22
I had some twitching of my left eyelid going on a couple weeks ago. I think it's gone now. Seems like a lot of people deal with random twitching here.

28-03-16, 17:33
I get a lot of twitches. Some days are worse than others.

28-03-16, 19:15
I have had full body twitching daily for the last 5 weeks. Some days aren't as bad as others.

28-03-16, 20:14
The thing that worries me is that i usually have random twitching but this 1 has been in the same place but my friend had it only in his eyelid and was fine