View Full Version : Weeing all the time 😪

28-03-16, 14:28
Really fed up for the last week ive done nothing but wee, today is especially bad bet ive been the toilet over 15 times

Anyone else like this with anxiety?

28-03-16, 19:24
Yes, I've had this recently! Especially at night, going for a wee then getting up 5 minutes later because I need to go again.
I had a urine sample and swabs and a blood test at the GP which all turned up nothing so it's not an infection, I really think it's all in my head.
When you expect to need the toilet all the time you become much more aware of the physical sensation, plus I think anxiety can make you tense your muscles and that has an effect on the bladder too.
Hopefully when you get distracted by something else the feeling will go away :) though if it does continue maybe it would be good to go to your doctor so they can rule out a bladder infection?

28-03-16, 20:27
I get this from time to time when I'm really anxious, it lasts anywhere from a day to a week and it's really annoying! At one point I peed 5 times in one hour.

I've been to the doc about it in the past, who said it's overactive bladder caused by anxiety/stress.

This too shall pass!