View Full Version : Does anyone else notice time passing so slowing with anxiety?

28-03-16, 18:11
As the title says, just wondering if anyone else notice the days seem to creep by when your anxiety is high? I am sitting here on my lunch break at work and was thinking I have another 5 hours left before I can go home. I really like my job, sometimes it is fast paced but sometimes it is not.

When it's slower, unfortunately my mind goes into anxious realms I wish it would not. Right now it just feels like I can almost sense the moments ticking by one by one. Feels very weird, I am pretty tired as I haven't slept well the past 2 nights due to congestion from bronchitis and worries about it. So the tiredness may have something to do with it.

In general my health anxiety is up, but my GAD is down.. but time just seems to be crawling right now. Any of you guys deal with this, any coping tips? Thanks.

silver blaze
29-03-16, 10:35
My days seem that long feels as if the days are weeks

29-03-16, 19:11
Thanks silver blaze, it comes and goes with me. Yesterday was awful with time creeping by. Today is a bit better. Hope your day is better too.

silver blaze
30-03-16, 09:53
I turn the clock round some days so I don't see it creeping round over the 4 days of the Easter hols it went really slow glad it's gone

30-03-16, 20:55
It's possibly because you're thinking that there are many more hours left to worry about things. In essence, you're worried about having time to worry.