View Full Version : Pale stool. Freaking out.

28-03-16, 19:14
Last time I went to the bathroom was on Saturday and the stool was normal colour. It's Easter and I ate this weird thing. It's like cheese but not that firm and is made of eggs or whatever. So I ate quite a bit on Sunday and today.

I didn't feel constipated but I didn't feel the urge to go. Then I drank some fibre and couple hours later I had to go. The stool was pale coloured. This is the first time this has happened and I'm really scared I have pancreatic/liver cancer.

I know I should wait a bit before panicking and see if it persists but I can't. Other symptoms I have:

Discomfort in right abdomen. No pain just feeling bloated in that area.
Yellowish eyes in the corner but I've been said everyone has that and it's not jaundice.

EDIT: I also had slight fever(37.2 C) yesterday.

I'm 17M, so I think PC is unlikely but still. Please help

28-03-16, 19:34
My girlfriend had pale/white stool for like 2 days a few months ago and it went away. I'd give it a few days to let food run its course, then re-evaluate.

28-03-16, 20:08
Do you think it can be because of eating a lot of eggs and egg products for 2 days straight?

28-03-16, 20:24
Was it pale as in grey or whitish? Or a pale yellowish/light brown colour? If it was the latter then you have nothing to worry about as that is usually caused by a high fat content in the stool that has passed through the bowel too quickly to be absorbed by the body and that can be caused by eating a lot of fatty or greasy foods like you have or even anxiety can cause it too. If it was pale grey then that can be signs of a liver or pancreas problem but honestly, with your age, your recent diet and your anxiety, I wouldn't worry about it. If it happens more often than a normal poo, then worry but we all get odd coloured poops every so often. I was always told my doc that unless its white, grey or black like tar, then any colour of stool inbetween is normal, even green!

28-03-16, 21:44
37.2 is not a slight fever. It is a normal body temp. Keep an eye on your poo over the next 2-3 days. Chances are there's nothing wrong, and you're just freaking out.

28-03-16, 22:20
It was more like light brown. And I also think only the end was lighter. I mean like the most recent food was at the end and I drank fiber so it may have gone too quickly. I guess eating almost only eggs for 2 days can increase the fat in my diet right?

I read that I would have darker urine if it was because of pancreas and I don't have that. I feel a lot calmer now. Thank you all.

29-03-16, 01:29
You ate something egg based, which would I assume be white or yellow in coloration. You end up with pale poo.

Have you never eaten a beet by chance? Or anything else well documented for changing the color of poo / urine?

There's an old saying "you are what you eat".

Give it a few days, if it is continually paler than usual that maybe cause for concern. As it is the pale poo is likely due to what you ate.

31-03-16, 02:38
You are probably fine lol one time as a kid I had bright turquoise stool and I'm still alive to tell the tale lol

08-04-16, 20:25
You are probably fine lol one time as a kid I had bright turquoise stool and I'm still alive to tell the tale lol

That might have been caused by drinking Pedialyte or any other electrolyte solution. It is possible for it to stain your poop. Then again, I'm not sure how it happened with you.