View Full Version : Unsure about going to the doctor

28-03-16, 19:48
So for the last two months I've felt so extremely anxious I can barely function. I've never been diagnosed with anxiety, though mental health issues run rife in my family (depression, anxiety, suicide ect.)
I struggle the breathe or I feel like I'm breathing through a straw. I get twitches constantly in my legs and arms. The scariest heart palpitations and I get frequent chest pains. I just tingle all over like I'm buzzing like a telephone on vibrate.
Perhaps the worst symptom of all is a weird sense of detachment. I feel like I'm never present and just bizarrely removed.
I'm debating whether to go to the doctor or not, I'm only 15 so it could be just a fluctuation in hormones. I've found going for runs really helps.
If anyone has any advice or anything they recommend, I'd greatly appreciate it.:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

28-03-16, 19:50
Go to a doctor and get checked out.

28-03-16, 20:28
You should definitely go to the doctors. It does sound like what you have is generalized anxiety and at your age, maybe your hormones are playing a part in it so you could discuss going on the pill or something with your doctor. The fact that exercise helps you, screams that it sounds like anxiety and nothing sinister. At your age, my anxiety got worse just before my periods and I experienced everything you do and I still do to a certain extent to this day from time to time.

I definitely recommend going to the doc. They will check your weight, BP and give you a quick check up just to rule out anything physical that can cause similar symptoms to anxiety problems such as a thyroid condition. They will also discuss medications or therapy if you want to go down either one of those roads and if not, they will give you some self help advice. I've always found that the thought of going to the doctor is a lot scarier than just actually actually going but that is always the case with anxiety.

28-03-16, 21:42
You are a year older than my daughter, and if it was her, I would be taking her to the doctor. Now to me it doesn't sound like anything sinister, purely as you have told us that going for a run really helps :) However, for you to be on this site in the first place, I think a trip to the docs is needed to tell him how you feel. They may even refer you for some talking therapies which could help :)