View Full Version : Poorly 5yr old

29-03-16, 00:19
I posted in the symptoms section a couple of days ago that my daughter is poorly with a cold. She had scarlet fever a couple of weeks ago had 10 days of penicillin which she finished Monday seemed fine until Wednesday night and got sent home from school on Thursday. I took her to the dr that evening and she had a temp of 40. The dr thinks it's viral and ride it out with calpol.

She's been on and off the last few days she's got a bit of a temperature and definitely has a horrible blocked nose. Today has been awful first thing she was really good then this afternoon she's cried a lot but when I ask her what's wrong she says she doesn't know or if I ask if anything hurts she says no. She's drank quite a lot of water and milk but has refused to eat since lunch then all she had was some crisps, half a biscuit and some fruit.

She's asleep again now but seems every time she turns over she wakes up a little and cries, it's breaking my heart that I can't help her. I've tried rubbing Vicks on her and say in a steamy bathroom. It doesn't help that she won't blow her nose. My other half thinks I should give it a couple more days before taking her back to the Drs but I'm gonna call them tomorrow

I'm not sure what the point in this post is I'm just feeling pretty useless at the min

Catherine S
29-03-16, 00:36
I know it's scary when it involves our children, but you should try to accept that she does have to ride it out as your doctor says. It hasn't been that long since she had scarlet fever, when I was a child it was a serious illness, and I know these days it's treatable but give the child a chance to get her immune system back up and running. She has a cold that has blocked up her sinuses is all. Children do whimper when they are ill, it's what they do, especially if they get loads of attention when they do it! Out of curiosity, how did you cope when she had scarlet fever?


29-03-16, 00:47
When she had scarlet fever she didn't make any fuss just slept loads. I think I'm feeling bad because I thought the scarlet fever was just a cold it never entered my mind it was anything else. Crying and whimpering isn't usual for her, though my oh says he can remember her being like this a few times, I can't remember never being able to settle her before.

Catherine S
29-03-16, 01:33
So this is the first time in five years she hasn't settled when she's been ill? You've had it pretty easy until now then. But yes, of coursevsk your doctor again if you're worried. Surprisingly you always mention your other half, and that he doesn't appear as worried as you. Do you feel that you are overreacting?