View Full Version : Deep Feeling Chest Pain

29-03-16, 07:56
Hi Everyone!

I'm rather new to the health anxiety thing. For the past 3 months, I've been experiencing daily anxiety around my heart. It started with heart palpitations and have moved on to occasional chest pain. I've had multiple EKGs, an echocardiogram, chest x-ray and 30 day event monitor. Everything turned out pretty normal and my GP has declared that my symptoms are from anxiety.

I hate it when the chest symptoms morph as it makes me nervous that something has developed since those tests were done. My newest symptom that's giving me the most grief is an occasional pain in the chest (typically right side) that feels deep. It doesn't last long (maybe only a second or two). So I'm wondering if anyone else has felt chest pain that feels deep as part of their anxiety? Is this common?


29-03-16, 08:07
Pulled muscle or just a minor pain. Sometimes you just get them. One thing I have read that sharp pain isn't related to heart pain. I have read this more times that anything and although I am in no way a doctor or anything medical , I would have to go with your doctor on this and it is a well known fact that stress an anxiety causes chest pain from tension and stress.. Just try to relax and accept it. Hope you feel better soon.. take care.

29-03-16, 12:58
I have read that sharp pain isn't related to heart pain

Exactly... A 2-3 second burst of pain is more often nerve or muscle related.

Positive thoughts

30-03-16, 03:34
Thank you both! That does help. The fact that the pain is fleeting is very reassuring.

I did still reach out to my GP to let her know that the chest pain changed. Since I've been having partial facial numbness off and on with it, she ordered a d-dimer. I hadn't expected that, so now I'm worried about a blood cot lurking somewhere while I wait for the test results. They said they won't have them until probably Thursday which seems like a horribly long wait at the moment.