View Full Version : Contacting therapist today...

29-03-16, 11:28
Me and my chap have decided to move in together during the Summer which is a big move for us and one I'm happy about. For a while he wouldn't because my anxiety would cause problems. Despite how I appear on here it has been under control until past few weeks - feared luekemia, BT, lupus and now aneurysm.

Ive kept this from him (not very well) as it does strain us and we are very strong.

Anyway, I've found a CBT therapist near me. I feel tears already. How much is it on average? Or do I get it free on NHS? I don't want to be that girl who worries about every niggle and ouch we get. I also don't want to be that girl who is worried because she isn't worried.

29-03-16, 15:47
You can get a course of CBT on the NHS. You usually have to self refer, which you can do via a number available at your surgery.

Waiting lists for CBT on the NHS can be long. I managed to get in quickly as I was considered a serious case. I suspect you would be considered urgent too, but it depends on the resources in your local area. You call the number and register your information and they call you back. Then a therapist gets in touch and gives you a phone consultation. I was offered the choice of over the phone sessions or face to face. I chose the latter.

But the first step is to see your doctor. Tell them everything and then make the call. Or perhaps your doctor will refer you. I don't know if you always have to self refer.

Anyway, if you can afford to go private, you will at least speed the process along.

29-03-16, 15:56
Ive spoken to a few; rates are from 20 - 75. My mom had nhs and wasn't too impressed. they've said they think I'm mild case and will need 6-10 sessions at most so I'm just looking to see if anyone else went through Nhs and their experience and if CBT is actually worth it.

It was a big step for me today even contacting therapists. As mentioned previously I don't like my doctor, another doctor at surgery was sacked as he wasn't even qualified (ha!) and lady doctor who I prefer is rarely in.

29-03-16, 16:08
Given that it's free through the NHS, it's definitely worth trying it. I'm finding it hit and miss, but that's because I'm a naturally sceptical person (not the same as being negative - I'm actually quite positive) and I struggle to buy into everything the therapist suggests. However, I do feel on balance that it's helpful. And you're a totally different person to me so it may suit you better. Given your current state and level of fear, I'd suggest you reach out for whatever help is there.

Too many people expect the therapist to be a magician who makes it all go away. CBT has a proven record of helping people with various issues around anxiety and depression, but it works best for those who really apply themselves to it and believe in it. If you can do that, it could really help you.

And, of course, if you can afford to pay, you'll be moving forward quicker.

29-03-16, 16:21
Yes I'm very sceptical too.

I'm a bit unsure of the 'Ooh who were you as a child and trying to delve into secrets that really aren't there ha. But as I kbow CBT helps and I'm not sure what else I can do.

29-03-16, 16:29
CBT doesn't involve delving into your past. Your therapist will want to know a bit about your background, but it's not traditional therapy as you might imagine it. It's about understanding and tackling your thought processes and behaviours. It gives you techniques for dealing with certain types of thought and challenging them.

29-03-16, 16:53
Yes that's what I need.

29-03-16, 18:14
CBT is PROVEN to work for anxiety and panic.

29-03-16, 18:33
This looks like a really good resource, courtesy of MyNameIsTerry

think the HA section is near the bottom.

29-03-16, 19:07
I'm quite scared to approach it, is this a normal feelig. Like dread?!

29-03-16, 19:14
CBT is PROVEN to work for anxiety and panic.

For some, not all.

30-03-16, 16:16
So I rang NHS, it's free yes but long-windedly!

Spoke to one person, spoke to another. Now have to wait 4 weeks for a telephone assessment and then potentially another 4 after that for treatment. Someone give me some wise words?

31-03-16, 08:28
So I rang NHS, it's free yes but long-windedly!

Spoke to one person, spoke to another. Now have to wait 4 weeks for a telephone assessment and then potentially another 4 after that for treatment. Someone give me some wise words?

I'm currently on the waiting list ... Since early Febuary. I called them and asked how long is the list as I was told 6 wks. Their only seeing referrals from December at the moment !!! So it's a long wait. Hopefully worth it though

31-03-16, 18:03
Im due to start group CBT classroom style.... had one to one last time.

Hope this is as good, feel i just need a little reminder.

Have you looked in to online CBT via instant messenger ?