View Full Version : Always another worry

29-03-16, 18:32

This is my first post, and I'm so relieved to find a whole world of other people like me. I can't wait to read all your stories and learn how you cope with health anxiety.

But first... here's mine. (It makes me feel better to talk about it.)

I guess the background is that I've had a couple of legitimate health scares in the past. At 22 I had an abnormal Pap smear that everyone said was nothing but I just had to have procedure after procedure after procedure to address it as the results from each came up fishy. I became pretty convinced at that time that I was going to die. Then, this past winter (at 30), I had another abnormal pap. Even though this time around everything looks fine, between that and some iffy moles my dermatologist decided to remove (also fine), I've kind of gone into a health anxiety tailspin.

My complaints:

1) I'm being treated for a possible case of interstitial cystitis. This is a real thing that I'm really dealing with (UTI symptoms every other month), and the treatments (antibiotics every time my husband and I are intimate) seem to be working. So at least I don't obsess quite so much over that anymore - although I do worry about drug resistance.

2) The worry that makes my family think I'm crazy relates to my fingernails. A couple of months ago, I noticed a dent in my right thumbnail. I've had vertical ridges for a while, but this was a horizontal dent. I read that, if these are on all your nails, these are Beau's lines and can indicate a serious health problem. Of course I began obsessing over my nails and became convinced that I had smaller dents on all my nails.

I've also convinced myself on and off that I have Terry's Nails, the beginning stages of clubbing, vertical stripes indicating melanoma, and psoriatic arthritis. I know that most of this is in my head because I can look at my nails and they look completely normal and the longer I stare, they seem to be changing colors on me. Also, I've had stinging on and off in both my fingernails and toenails.

I've had my dermatologist, my gynecologist, my dad (who's a doctor) and my mom (who's a nurse) all look at my nails and none of them think there's anything to worry about. My primary care physician said she could test me for syphillis, but we both ruled that possibility out. The prevailing theory is that I scratched off some gel nail polish I wore to my friend's wedding on Halloween and am now dealing with the fallout.

The original dent is *so close* to being grown out, and I'm hoping (although doubting) that my fears will go away with it.

3) In February, I thought I found a lump in my breast. As it turns out, I'm skinny and have been doing self-breast exams wrong You're not supposed to probe in there, as you might be feeling your ducts and lobes. If you use a flat hand, you'll be able to feel just concerning growths. Good to know. (And a little embarrassing, considering I went to the doctor for this.)

4) My newest concern, I admit, is absurd. Again, this relates to my nails. When my doctor saw my nails, she said if the vertical ridges were deeper they'd worry about my lungs. So of course that got me worrying about lung cancer.

To clarify - I am 30 years old and have never smoked. I haven't been experiencing any coughing or shortness of breath. I've gotten my blood count done twice in the last six months, and both times everything but my Vitamin D was completely normal.

But today, I noticed some tension under my collarbones. And then I started thinking maybe there was a tumor under there. I've also been really tired and have lost some weight... but those could both be attributed to my anxiety. I know I haven't been eating much lately. (Bright side - I still poop like a rock star. :roflmao:) My husband is getting over a cold, so I'm guessing I'm starting to get that... but I can't stop the worry!!

I guess my question is: When DO I see a doctor? It doesn't seem to make anything better (only intense worrying until I see test results), but then again I'm worried that I'll ignore something that's really serious.

I've attached some pictures of my nails, including the one with the dent in it. I'm guessing I'm the only one who sees all the things that can be horribly wrong.

Thank you in advance for your support! <3

30-03-16, 13:42
I'm really in a bad way and should probably get some help.

After posting this (which was supposed to make me feel better), things got lots worse. I was in choir last night poking and prodding at my chest (as if I could somehow feel a lung tumor OVER my lungs). I felt something, and I just couldn't stop messing with it. I'm guessing now it was my subclavial lymph node.. small lump I could move around not far beneath my left clavicle.

I've gotten really thin (BMI: 18.5) so I can feel lots of lymph nodes now... in my neck, in my pelvis, and just above my clavicles. I'm guessing they're slightly swollen (although they're mostly just grape size) because my husband has been sick. If I were deathly ill, there's no way my immune system would be fighting off a cold so well so WHY AM I SO CONVINCED I'M SICK??!

I wish I could say that was the end of the panic for last night, but it got even sillier. As I mentioned in my post above, I've been freaking out about nail changes. One of the things I thought I had was psoriatic arthritis... I do have sore finger joints that pop from time to time, and a couple of weeks ago I noticed a weird rash on my big toe.

I've been putting cream on that and keeping an eye on it. The good news is that the rash seems to be clearing up with A&D ointment (and I don't think psoriasis would do that). The bad news is that - because I was looking at my toes - I noticed something else that sent me reeling. This is just plain stupid, and I don't know why it bothered me so much...

There were creases in both big toes. Very straight, diagonal creases on both toes going from the middle of the nail bed outwards. They were indented and slightly red... you know, like maybe where my shoes and socks had left a print on my skin after standing up and singing for 3 hours? But because they didn't go away when I took a shower, I majorly freaked out.

This is a "symptom" so silly that even Dr. Google couldn't diagnose it with anything. The ONLY thing that popped up was stuff about footwear. But I just couldn't calm down. I was crying and telling my husband I hate myself and should just be put away.

Well, the creases are gone today but I'm still a little rattled. I want this to stop. I've been trying to get into therapy (I'm in the US where obtaining any sort of health care is a nightmare) so I guess I'll try again today. Does it work?

Has anybody else been through this? Can anyone help me?

30-03-16, 16:56
The fact you've used the term silly in your post shows you're aware that this is nothing to worry about. But it's what we do. We have that explanation for small thigs but (speaking for myself now) we've read so much on silly and bizarre illnesses that we recognise them. I'm currently fighting off a mild sinus infection and Aunt Flo appeared today so I have a slight headache. I know i occasionally get headaches with my period but a little niggle is asking 'yeah, but what if it's this...'

Ive avoided Google so much than I was using it to begin with.

I had a nail issue too but I think mines because I have worn it away with nail polish. But grim but I left it on my toe for almost 6 months; it was glitter and stubborn an wohldnt come off so I painted over it.

02-04-16, 02:46
Thank you for responding! When I'm not having a episode, I can see how silly I am. But when I'm in it, there's no convincing me everything's ok.

So right now I'm dealing with this lymph node worry. Ever since I noticed I could feel lymph nodes in my pelvis (down low where my legs start, not where my ovaries are), I've had that fear that something's wrong. So I just have this sensation down there... Not really pain, maybe just irritation, like I have an ingrown hair. But I haven't shaved or anything lately (sorry if that's TMI).

I wonder if my worries are causing the sensations (like the ones in my nails). They seem to be worse when I think about them.

What do you think?

02-04-16, 17:33
Hi, I know how you feel. I am at my worst at the moment and thinking rationally is hard. When I get through it, I feel so silly. I'm going through it all at the moment :-(

04-04-16, 03:09

I actually had an OK day today and was congratulating myself on not panicking. And then night came.

I can feel all my lymph nodes. One in the groin is tender. This freaks me out so badly.

I just want to be me again - me before the fingernails and the dysplastic nevi and the lymph nodes. What I really wish is that there were some way I could turn off all the weird sensations I seem to be reacting to.

Anybody take Xanax? Does it help?

04-04-16, 08:46
Hi hun, I really feel for you as it appears from what you say that you're in a bit of an anxiety spiral.
The positives;
You seem to accept that some of your thoughts are irrational.
You have two health professionals at your disposal, ones who would take no risk whatsoever with their daughters wellbeing.
You're willing to consider logical alternatives (gel Polish).

My stepdaughter had gel Polish on and it made a right mess of her nails.
Whilst you're still open to logical and rational explainations I would seriously consider some anxiety support, whether that be medication, therapy or both.
Try starting a good meal routine, or if that's not possible try eating little but often. Food gives us our strength and energy.
Lastly, stop prodding yourself, the more you prod your nodes the more angry they'll become, when a doctor checks your nodes he does it gently, that is enough for him to feel if there is anything there to worry about.