View Full Version : I can't take this anymore - I know what it is going to be

29-03-16, 18:41
I am going through an horrific HA patch right now.

Referred for an endoscopy to check for hpylori. This happened on the 16th, Dr didn't find hpylori 'just' a polyp. He said he isn't concerned but took a biopsy. I have a follow up appointment arranged for 4th April. He mentioned he may also do a colonoscopy. I wasn't at all worried before my endoscopy but now my HA is in overdrive. To top it off I have been having brown discharge since missing a pill 2 weeks ago, I stopped my pack completely to have a 'break' to try and get back to normal but that was weds and still not bleeding just brown discharge.

My dad informed my on Sunday that he may have tests for Lynch syndrome which is a genetic disorder my uncle has which is the reason my uncle got bowel cancel at 38. Dad had colonoscopy on Thursday and he got all clear (he's 56).

My thoughts are:

Stomach polyp is pre-cancerous at the very least.

The discharge is an endometrial cancer.

If dr does colonoscopy it will show a tumour or something worrying.

I know at least one of them will be cancer there's no way I can have symptoms like this and escape with something simple. Especially given the fact there is a chance I may have lynch syndrome (chance of cancer increases particularly at a younger age)

I can't function anymore, I was driving earlier and wondered if it would be easier to just crash. I am terrified of death but I am terrified of cancer!

I don't want to leave my son and husband I can't stop crying I feel like I am going to have a breakdown

29-03-16, 20:10
I so feel for you right now. I'm going through something a little similar. I have to have a colonoscopy and an endoscopy. They're scheduled for next month and the wait is driving me crazy. I hope you find out good news about the polyp. Are you having any problems that are making you think you have bowel cancer?

I understand the "I know it has to be something terrible with symptoms like these" feeling. I've never felt as bad as I do now, but whatever is going on will have to be dealt with whether we want to or not. I know it's easier said than done. I will keep you in my prayers. Please let us know how everything turns out. <3

29-03-16, 20:57
Thank you for messaging me. I have had symptoms that were diagnosed as IBS after a colonoscopy 5 years ago. However the camera didn't get all the way around and nothing else was done so I'm worrying now that something was missed then, my uncles was in the right side where the camera didn't reach on me. For the last couple of years I have suffered with nausea, bloating and wind hence the hpylori check. I had full bloods taken and all were OK (red count higher than normal but ok), stool check for blood which was clear and calprotectin levels slightly higher than the recommended 50 but at 53 still within the norm. Worrying the 3 over was the start of something and also read today that colon cancers can grow over several years and that they don't always bleed. So I have gone from those tests being ok to me being fairly reassured to having a complete meltdown and doubting everything!

What date is your endoscopy and colonoscopy? Are you having similar symptoms? x

29-03-16, 22:05
I wouldn't think 3 points would be a big deal, but I don't know much about that stuff. From what I've heard, IBS can be pretty nasty. I wouldn't be surprised if it was causing all those symptoms.

I have the same symptoms. Lots of gas, sometimes I can't get it out. I always have discomfort in my stomach. All over. In my ribs, on my sides, lower abdomen. Just everywhere. It's even tender to push on it. I've had very loose stools lately and they're really dark in color. I also have tons of black specs in it and a few times a reddish color coming off of it in the toilet bowl. All kinds of scary stuff. None of it started until maybe a month and a half ago?

The reason I'm getting the tests other than all of the above, is because I'm severely anemic. My hemoglobin is 9.6 and my ferritin is 5. So my doctor is sure I'm bleeding somewhere in my GI tract. I'm very worried. I feel worse and worse every day. I'm 27 with no family history of cancer, but still very frightened. It's a really good sign that your blood work is good. They can tell a lot by that. And the stool tests. I haven't had those done.

29-03-16, 22:13
Wow! Sounds like someone is on the "Worst Case Scenario Train" on the way to "Anxiety Meltdown Station" ;) But then that's par for the course with anxiety eh?

One step at a time kiddo! Sounds like the doctor is being a good doctor by being thorough. I know waiting sucks but let the doctors do their thing and take it from there.

Positive thoughts

29-03-16, 22:17
Mine is also quite tender to push on, have had about 3 solid stools in 5 years :scared15: I have also had the dark and the red, to me definite blood but according to the stool test it can't have been.

I spoke to someone on here whose mum was similar and she bled quite a lot but hers was just IBS.

My ferritin levels were 9 but after a course of iron tablets it increased slightly I am now on a lower dose but for a longer period of time.

My dr told me it is very common in women as they have a monthly cycle or it is also common when you don't get enough iron in your diet.

Keep me posted on your progress and fingers crossed that it works out for both of us :hugs:

---------- Post added at 22:17 ---------- Previous post was at 22:14 ----------

Wow! Sounds like someone is on the "Worst Case Scenario Train" on the way to "Anxiety Meltdown Station" ;) But then that's par for the course with anxiety eh?

One step at a time kiddo! Sounds like the doctor is being a good doctor by being thorough. I know waiting sucks but let the doctors do their thing and take it from there.

Positive thoughts

You've got it in one! I had been doing rather well I'm really miffed off that I've let it get the better of me again.

Thankfully I have been able to go private so the waiting shouldn't be too long.

Thank you Fishmanpa!

29-03-16, 22:43
Well that's good to hear you had that stuff, but the stool test didn't come pack positive for blood. I feel like all of this has started since taking iron. I'm not 100% sure because I wasn't paying much attention to my bowel habits before the doctor said there could be a problem. The worrier in me is telling me it's not the iron, just the "cancer" getting worse.

I had a miscarriage in November and told the doctor this but she said that it's been too long for my iron to still be so low. I also don't have crazy heavy periods, they're pretty normal I think.

I also have all the classic Fibromyalgia symptoms. Widespread soreness and aching all over and debilitating fatigue. Do you have any problem with that? If you end up having your colonoscopy before I do, please let me know how it goes!

30-03-16, 08:00
I know the dark stool has only started with me since taking iron, apparently it's very common - doesn't stop us thinking the worst though!

I was sent to a specialist as my GP suspected fibromyalgia at one stage but it turns out I don't have it. My friends husband does though and he can sometimes be really poorly xx

30-03-16, 16:17
Yeah, the iron has seemed to do more harm than good for me so far. I've had so much aching and discomfort in my stomach, hips, back, and groin. Do you ever get the black specs in your stool? I can't remember if I had them before the iron or not, but it's always there and looks like sand or tiny coffee grounds. Of course, I read it could be blood. Ugh. I think I might stop the iron for a couple of days and see if it goes away.

30-03-16, 17:58
Yes I would probably do that but then if it doesn't go away it still doesn't mean it's anything to panic about (says me eh)? I often have black bits and I always think the worst! Hard not to isn't it. i really envy people that don't worry! x

30-03-16, 18:01
I was taking these pills that had Zinc and Magnesium or whatever and it caused the black specks that you speak of. I stopped taking them and they're pretty much gone. I know it can also be undigested food. I've been debating getting one of those Fecal Occult Tests for peace of mind, but I haven't yet.

31-03-16, 20:04
Part of me wants to get one of the tests, but if it came back positive I would be in a complete panic (worse than I already am) until I get my colonoscopy. I just keep thinking I wouldn't feel this awful if there wasn't something serious going on. I have so much pain all over. My hips and armpits are really bad today.

I really envy my husband. He never ever goes to the doctor, never gets sick, never worries about his health, and isn't at all worried about me either. He's a smoker and eats whatever he wants too! Crazy how that works.

02-04-16, 18:32
My husband is the same, I worry so much about everything - always the worst case scenario yet he is so laid back he never worried about anything! I really wish I was like that. If I'm not worrying about myself I'm worrying about others xx exhausting!

03-04-16, 02:40
Exactly. Me too. Before I went into this spiral over my health, I was constantly worried about my kids. To the point that I didn't ever want them in a car without me.

I had to be put on antibiotic today. My son has had a nasty cough and now I have it too. My health anxiety is telling me that my cancer has spread to my lungs. :scared15:

07-04-16, 19:15
I hate HA! I am exactly the same with our son, I hate every second apart from him because I constantly worry that something will happen to him when I'm not with him!

How is your cough?

My endoscopy results came back ok, polyp just a standard polyp. That's one relief ticked off, I have colonoscopy in 2 weeks x

07-04-16, 20:11
so you just KNEWWWW what it was gonna be, right? :doh:

07-04-16, 20:40
so you just KNEWWWW what it was gonna be, right? :doh:

Yeah right? You were ready to crash your car and end it all... I hope this gives you the perspective and incentive to work on beating the dragon into his cave for good!

Positive thoughts

07-04-16, 21:29
so you just KNEWWWW what it was gonna be, right? :doh:

Haha clearly not! I won't learn though :blush:

---------- Post added at 21:29 ---------- Previous post was at 21:25 ----------

Yeah right? You were ready to crash your car and end it all... I hope this gives you the perspective and incentive to work on beating the dragon into his cave for good!

Positive thoughts

I know, even though it was only a few days ago I felt like that I still read what I said and I wonder what on earth I was thinking, I'm bloody terrified of dying for a start!

I have tried CBT, a friend of mine has recommended a book about meditation so I think I am going to give that a whirl. If that fails then I think I may have to try medication (really don't want to but can't continue like this).

07-04-16, 21:36
I know, even though it was only a few days ago I felt like that I still read what I said and I wonder what on earth I was thinking, I'm bloody terrified of dying for a start!

I have tried CBT, a friend of mine has recommended a book about meditation so I think I am going to give that a whirl. If that fails then I think I may have to try medication (really don't want to but can't continue like this).

You know... there are some pretty good on-line CBT courses as well as books. I used the CBT4PANIC, that was here and while all aspects didn't apply, I found several aspects that did and it helped me with some depression and "scanxiety". I found some of it useful for every day stresses and I still use many of the techniques almost daily. You have to work at it but it can help. As for the meds? I know so many want to avoid them but if they can help get your head to where you can make strides with the CBT, then why not? Think of them like mental crutches until your mind heals a bit. AND... there are non SSRI alternatives that may work fine (I've used Buspar for "scanxiety"). Talk to your doctor about it.

Positive thoughts

07-04-16, 21:44
Thanks Fishman, I think I'm going to have to although I'm worried I will become dependant on them or that they will 'change' me.

However, I do not want to continue like this it's ridiculous!

08-04-16, 01:07
I've calmed down quite a bit about my kids. I think it's because I'm now totally focused on my health.. which sounds selfish, but I've never felt this awful. Which is what's scaring me.

My cough is lingering. I finished the antibiotics, but it doesn't want to get better. The congestion is way down deep in my chest.

I'm so happy to hear the endoscopy turned out well! How was your experience with it? I'm nervous for the procedures. I have my colonoscopy on the 18th, I will let you know how it goes. I also made an appointment with my GYN to try to figure out this lower back/hip/groin pain.

I really want to get into some counseling too. And medication. I'm to the point where I can't continue like this either. If it can make us feel a lot better, I think it's worth it.

08-04-16, 14:04
I am enduring all the pain and aches that you guys have mentioned: lower back pain, abdominal pain, bloating, sharp cramping pain in my kidney area, constipation, and other aches that you can imagine. I suspect that I have bowel cancer too. I was diagnosed with IBS but no intensive test was done, only fecalysis and blood test which came back normal. The doctor only told me that I am too young at age 24. Right now I am experiencing this dull, sharp, and it feels like a trapped gas pain in my abdomen, and this makes me very upset, I can’t sleep properly because it is too painful to lie down be it flat on my back or lying on any side. Been this way for a year now.

08-04-16, 18:44
I'm at the Drs next week regarding the spotting etc. The endoscopy wasn't the most pleasant of experiences as I opted for no sedation, however it was all over within a few minutes and I could carry on with my day (even went and bought a car as booked the day off work) haha. Throat was sore for a couple of days.

I know what you mean about being worried about you, it's like we always have to be worried about something and I find if I stop worrying about me I start worrying about someone else.

Also having the hip and back pain! It's like we are the same person right now :D

I had a cough for about 10 weeks but for some reason I didn't worry about it, not sure why but anyway it's gone now! xx yours will too xx

08-04-16, 20:12
I am enduring all the pain and aches that you guys have mentioned: lower back pain, abdominal pain, bloating, sharp cramping pain in my kidney area, constipation, and other aches that you can imagine. I suspect that I have bowel cancer too. I was diagnosed with IBS but no intensive test was done, only fecalysis and blood test which came back normal. The doctor only told me that I am too young at age 24. Right now I am experiencing this dull, sharp, and it feels like a trapped gas pain in my abdomen, and this makes me very upset, I can’t sleep properly because it is too painful to lie down be it flat on my back or lying on any side. Been this way for a year now.

I'm so sorry you're going through all of that! I would not wish this on anyone. Especially all the worry and uncertainty. You are very young and my doctor told me the same. He said it would be so rare for me to have any kind of cancer at all, but there's always those crazy stories you hear about that put that doubt in your mind. It's a really good sign that your blood and fecal tests were normal. I'm pretty sure that would not happen if you had bowel cancer. I know they didn't do extensive testing, but IBS really truly can cause all those problems for you. I hope you find some relief soon!

---------- Post added at 15:12 ---------- Previous post was at 15:04 ----------

I think I want to ask for no sedation or light sedation for both procedures. I have a pretty intense phobia with that kind of stuff. Hopefully I'll be able to tough it out and they won't give me a bunch of crap about not being put out. Did they have any problem with that with you?

It's so crazy we have so much of the same happening to us! I don't remember if you said anything about it, but are you exhausted too? Every day, my eyes burn from the fatigue. I've been having to use eye drops. My doctors say it's the anemia, but holy moly. I've been anemic before and never felt this.

A cough for 10 weeks? That stinks! My kids and I have had coughs and respiratory issues for months on and off. It all started when we moved into the apartment we're in. (In fact, all of my problems started in this apartment) We found black mold back in November and they removed it in December. But I'm wondering if it's still a problem?

Btw, my name is Lisa. =)

08-04-16, 20:42
I am enduring all the pain and aches that you guys have mentioned: lower back pain, abdominal pain, bloating, sharp cramping pain in my kidney area, constipation, and other aches that you can imagine. I suspect that I have bowel cancer too. I was diagnosed with IBS but no intensive test was done, only fecalysis and blood test which came back normal. The doctor only told me that I am too young at age 24. Right now I am experiencing this dull, sharp, and it feels like a trapped gas pain in my abdomen, and this makes me very upset, I can’t sleep properly because it is too painful to lie down be it flat on my back or lying on any side. Been this way for a year now.

I have a pain like that on my left side that hurts when I'm lying on it. Also have pains spotted about my front and back which come and go, sometimes I have this awful pain that spreads right across my abdomen and it hurts just to the right of my belly button when I press there, it also hurts when I breath in!

I do suffer with postural problems and muscular so I often try and reassure myself by saying some of the pain be due to this.

your bloods and fecal test came back ok so that is a good sign, I also had something called a calprotectin test, did you have this done? This shows inflammation which can suggest IBD, crohns and colitis - if it isn't raised it is usually typical of IBS.

---------- Post added at 20:42 ---------- Previous post was at 20:34 ----------

Hi Lisa, I'm Kirsty :)

No pressure at all, I think they preferred that I went without sedation. It wasn't painful or anything like that it was just uncomfortable as it makes you gag and burp a bit. they spray a numbing spray on your throat which tastes like bananas and then put a guard in your mouth. You then lay on your side and then the scope is put down (you have to help a bit at first and swallow).

Oh gosh I am always exhausted and I get the burning eyes. I am in iron tablets but for low ferritin.

Are there any signs of damp or mould creeping back in? Are you able to move apartment?

09-04-16, 01:10
Oh, good! I hope that's the case for me as well. I would much rather have some idea of what's going on. Thanks for describing your experience, it helps to know what to expect.

Man, the burning eyes are the worst! It's probably my most annoying symptom. My ferritin was 6 when they checked it last week. I've been on iron for a few weeks. My hemoglobin and iron count went up, but the doctor said the ferritin will be the last to improve.

I haven't seen signs of mold, but who knows. We will be moving soon, we are in the process of buying a house. Just have to wait until we can close.

So, I did something ridiculous and read some stuff about young people that have/had colon cancer. Of course, I have similar symptoms to them, and most of them were very anemic too. Ugh. Whyyyyyyy?!:weep:

09-04-16, 11:23
I wouldn't think 3 points would be a big deal, but I don't know much about that stuff. From what I've heard, IBS can be pretty nasty. I wouldn't be surprised if it was causing all those symptoms.

As you said yourself about the IBS, who's to say it isn't that causing all these nasty symptoms in both of us.

Your iron level has increased which is a good sign, I'm sure if it was something to worry about your body would lose it as quick as it was going in. My ferritin was 9 but increased to 53 with a pretty strong course of iron. I am now on one a day until May where I will have another blood test and if it hasn't increased dramatically then the gp said I will just have to be on them for the rest of my life not that it means there is something bad happening.

I can't tell you off for looking on the Internet as I have been guilty of that this time around (The last few wobbles I had weren't quite as bad as I managed to keep away from Dr Google), I can tell I have reverted back to my old ways this time as my worry is extreme x

---------- Post added at 11:23 ---------- Previous post was at 11:22 ----------

Hopefully the move will improve your health :)

09-04-16, 18:17
I'm so sorry you're going through all of that! I would not wish this on anyone. Especially all the worry and uncertainty. You are very young and my doctor told me the same. He said it would be so rare for me to have any kind of cancer at all, but there's always those crazy stories you hear about that put that doubt in your mind. It's a really good sign that your blood and fecal tests were normal. I'm pretty sure that would not happen if you had bowel cancer. I know they didn't do extensive testing, but IBS really truly can cause all those problems for you. I hope you find some relief soon![COLOR="blue"]

Thank you for the kind words. Yes, crazy circumstances do exist. In fact, my friend was diagnosed with colorectal cancer at a young age of 27. I would like to have some other tests to rule out sinister things but as of now my budget is broke. If this is really IBS then so be it, I would prefer to be an IBS sufferer than to have any sort of cancer. I wish for your good health too and I am sure good news will go on your way. :)

---------- Post added at 17:17 ---------- Previous post was at 17:05 ----------

I have a pain like that on my left side that hurts when I'm lying on it. Also have pains spotted about my front and back which come and go, sometimes I have this awful pain that spreads right across my abdomen and it hurts just to the right of my belly button when I press there, it also hurts when I breath in!

I do suffer with postural problems and muscular so I often try and reassure myself by saying some of the pain be due to this.

your bloods and fecal test came back ok so that is a good sign, I also had something called a calprotectin test, did you have this done? This shows inflammation which can suggest IBD, crohns and colitis - if it isn't raised it is usually typical of IBS.[COLOR="blue"]

Well, we’re kinda identical with the areas of pain that you have mentioned. My hips is getting sharp pains too, it comes and goes with no apparent reason. What kind of a specialist does that calprotectin thing? A gastroentorologist? Pardon me, I’m not used to know about such things ’cause I rarely go to hospitals or clinics, I just started to have some visit to Emergency and clinics when bouts of very loose stools and anxiety attacks started to plauged me a year ago. And also, I do have poor posture and muscular/skeletal pain which I also suspect some days ago that I may have fibromylagia. What do you do if this pain comes? Do you take something for relief? Sometimes, I would think of injecting illegal drugs that makes my body numb so I could free myself from this agony just like what Kurt Cobain did.(Kurt Cobain is the legendary singer of a grunge band called ”Nirvana” and he publicly discussed in MTV about his IBS. He used heroin as a self medication.)

09-04-16, 20:07
Hey, I am in the UK and it was just my usual doctor not a specialist. It could be something to mention to your doctor when/if you do go back.

I don't take anything for pain relief really, I find a bit of heat (hot water bottle or wheat bag) helps a bit. I was sent to see someone to check if I had fibromyalgia but it appears I don't - I have a couple of friends with it though.

I didn't realise Kurt Cobain suffered with IBS, I have often had thoughts of taking cannabis in some form as I have heard about it helping nausea but that's as far as it goes, it is illegal here and I wouldn't dare! Haha

10-04-16, 19:56
I'll take IBS any day over any sort of cancer. I'm sorry about your friend having cancer. That's the kind of stuff I hear about and say to myself "See? That could also be what's going on with you." And I just spiral into this black hole of utter despair. It also scares me that since I didn't think I needed to be worried about that kind of thing, maybe I missed warning signs and didn't think anything of them. And now I would be in the late stages and that's that.

I just want to feel normal and not like my body is falling apart. I haven't had a normal bowel movement in over a month. I haven't had a day without pain or burning tired eyes in months. I've tried to look into other stomach/bowel problems that aren't cancer, but I don't fit with any of those. Maybe IBS, but IBS is not supposed to cause such bad anemia.

I've contemplated cannabis as well, but I'm too chicken to try and find someone I can buy it from. Plus, I'm too scared it would be laced with something.

How long did it take to get your ferritin to go up? Mine isn't improving much and I don't feel any better. Like I said, just my hemoglobin and iron went up, but only a little.

Man, I'm having a particularly crappy day today. I just keep thinking of how the colonoscopy is getting closer and closer and I start panicking. I also have a GYN appointment tomorrow and I'm nervous about that too.

Jeez, I'm sorry I rambled on so much. Just had to get it out. My husband does not understand what so ever.

11-04-16, 16:02
No Lisa my husband doesn't either, it's sometimes so hard to talk to people that are laid back!

Well one of my best friends has just told me some news about her sister. Her sister went to the Drs because she was struggling with her health - a few symptoms but I won't elaborate. The dr called her in urgently and she is now being checked for myeloma and bowel cancer as her bloods have flagged up some worrying results which warrants being seen within 2 weeks. Of course this is bloody scary especially for her and her family (they lost their mum to myeloma).

My thoughts now are the fact that a simple blood test can show the gp that something needs looking at urgently and in a way calms me down if that makes sense.

I never ever thought of low iron being related to cancer in any way until I started with HA so why do I relate everything to it now?

As my GP says it is very very common in lady's and also the diet can affect it hugely. My ferritin went to 53 from 9 but dr said she was expecting 150 at least hence further iron tablets.

With my IBS and the fact I haven't had a solid stool in years I do believe my body doesn't absorb everything it should including iron x

11-04-16, 18:55
Oh no! I hope it doesn't end up being anything that serious.

I know the doctors can tell if there's an underlying issue with simple blood tests, which is what they said about the iron. When mine came back super low, my hematologist was stressing that I get in for a colonoscopy and endoscopy as soon as possible. It took over a month to get scheduled for them.

I really never thought low iron was such a cause for concern either. My iron has never been great my whole life, but never this low.

My ferritin has only gone from 5 to 6 with a month of iron. She said the other numbers improved but she's very hard to understand over the phone.

I'm sorry you've been dealing with IBS for so long. I usually didn't have any problems with loose stools until I've become so worried about my health and now with the iron supplements.

I went to my GYN today and she did the pelvic exam with her fingers and pressed on my ovaries and all of that. She said it all felt fine and didn't think my pain was coming from that. She said the places I told her felt tender in my stomach is my colon. So that concerns me.

I have exactly a week now until my colonoscopy. :scared15:

13-04-16, 20:29
I often think anxiety is the cause of all my issues but then that bad thought rears its ugly head!

I hate feeling rubbish constantly though, I'm not sure if anxiety would affect you even if you think you don't feel anxious if that makes sense.

Well I know all the pains I feel and the ones that hurt to touch are in the colon area too but I guess IBS could still cause it.

Let's get through these colonoscopies of ours and hopefully this time in a couple of weeks we are reading back at this thread wondering what we had been worrying about :hugs:

14-04-16, 00:11
I really hope so Kirsty! I'm definitely freaking out over here. Just keep picturing really bad news.

I don't think anxiety is the cause of everything going on with me. Whether it's serious, I'm not sure. There's never a moment where I don't feel terrible. Usually if I have anxiety, I'll get distracted and forget about my issues for a little while. That's not the case anymore.

My stomach pains and aches in my hips and back are just getting worse. And today I saw a little red in my stool. It's also been near impossible to pass gas. I just don't know what else could cause all of this.

I'm so scared of the doctor telling me bad news while I'm still out of it from the sedation and then my husband having to tell me all over again. I don't know how to stop feeling like this.

Thank you for being here to talk to. I think I'd be even worse off if I couldn't come here and talk to someone who gets it.

14-04-16, 21:47
How is your posture? Only ask because my pain started in my hip an eventually moved to my back (all over) which in turn affects everything else. I have had Physio and acupuncture but if I don't have anything for a while everything gets worse again. Obviously I get the abdominal pains and wind which isn't musculoskeletal but I have read that musculoskeletal problems can aggravate IBS type symptoms.

Mine is constant too and has been for about 5 years (worsened in the last 2).

I still think I see blood in my stool but tests say otherwise xx

15-04-16, 18:29
Eh, my posture is probably not very good. I have a history of lower back pain, but I've never had it effect my groin area as well. I get these weird pains along my pubic bone. My pain is also all over my back now too. All in my shoulder blades and up my neck. I had percocet left over from my miscarriage and took a half of one and it helped, but I couldn't keep my eyes open!

I'm glad your tests say there is no blood. That's a good sign. I wonder why they never tested mine? I can't imagine dealing with all of this for 5 years. If IBS is what I have, I've only been going through it for a little over a month and it's already driving me nuts.

Only a couple more days until the colonoscopy! I will let you know how I make out. :blush:

18-04-16, 07:58
Thibking of you today xx let me know how you get on as soon as you can :hugs:

18-04-16, 13:56
Thank you! I have to be there in two hours. The prep yesterday was pretty rough. I have a splitting head ache from not eating and probably dehydrated as well. My stomach is constantly flip flopping, I'm so nervous.

I will get on here as soon as I can to let you know how it goes.

18-04-16, 15:49
I forget that there is a time difference! It's nearly 4.00pm here! Haha

I'm sure everything will be fine, I'm really dreading the prep! x

18-04-16, 18:05
Hey Kirsty!

Just left the colonoscopy center and grabbed some food. I'm STARVING.

So, I don't have colon cancer! Yayyyyy! Man, I was so sure of it too! He said everything looked great and all he saw were some grade 1 hemorrhoids.

I tried to get them to do lighter sedation, but they pretty much said nope! It was fine though. They put the stuff in my IV and I felt a bit weird for a second and then I was out and then waking up the next thing I knew. And they were telling me right away that it all looked good.

Not as bad as I thought, at all. I still feel a little sleepy from the propofol, but I wouldn't be as scared to have that sedation again if I needed to.

I think you're going to be 100% fine. I seemed to have so many symptoms of colon cancer and I didn't have anything except hemorrhoids! Crazy.

Please let me know how your procedure goes. I still have the endoscopy next Monday, so I'll also let ya know how that goes as well. <3

18-04-16, 18:17
Excellent news!!! What a relief! So so pleased for you and I'm glad the sedation was ok :hugs:

Yes keep me posted...my colonoscopy is next Wednesday xx

18-04-16, 20:13
Thank you! It really is a big relief! I hope you feel a little better hearing that mine came back okay since we are in similar situations.

Honestly, the sedation was kind of nice, and I felt goofy and a little drunk when I woke up. Are you having sedation with yours?

18-04-16, 20:30
Yeah I will be I'm not sure if you can have it without? I have had it before, it was quite a nice feeling when they injected it but I remember a painful bit and me shouting at them to stop whereas if I wasn't sedated I would have probably just told them it hurt! I never shout at anyone and I was mortified! Haha

I'm not very good at coming round from any sort of anaesthetic I'm always the last one to leave the hospital and always in a wheelchair! :blush:

18-04-16, 20:50
I've heard you can have it without sedation, but I don't think they do it without at the place I had mine done. They acted like there was no other option.

I don't think I woke up at all and I definitely didn't feel a thing. Did you have propofol as well?

I had to be brought out in a wheel chair too. I was super dizzy.

19-04-16, 15:49
I remember my last one they said I couldn't have it without. My dad had really light sedation and he remembers it but he said it wasn't painful.

No I don't recall, what is propofol used for? x

24-04-16, 16:41
Haha no wonder nobody is replying - I googled it, doh!

I am getting extremely nervous for my colonoscopy :weep:

25-04-16, 03:40
I totally understand your nervousness! I was so scared, but it really wasn't bad at all. And I really believe you're going to be okay. I feel like if I didn't have anything bad going on in my colon, you probably don't either. We've been going through a lot of the same stuff.

I have my endoscopy tomorrow morning. I'm pretty nervous. My stomach has been hurting all day from thinking about it.

25-04-16, 15:58
Oh goodness we both have something to look forward to then! Haha

You opting for sedation?

I am nervous for the prep, the sedation and the results!

25-04-16, 22:51
Had my endoscopy! They didn't give me a choice to have it with or without sedation, so I had the propofol again. The anesthesiologist didn't even tell me this time that she was putting it in my IV. I was just like "whoooa, I feel weeeeirrrrrd" but I couldn't really talk with the mouth guard, lol. It was okay though and next thing I knew, my husband and daughter were telling me to wake up.

The report says - hiatal hernia in the cardia, erythema in the antrum compatible with gastritis. Doctor said nothing serious, but now I will be having the capsule endoscopy. He also said if I still have stomach troubles, I will most likely need my gallbladder out. YAY, another procedure I can worry myself sick over!

The prep for the colonoscopy is nothing to be nervous about, it just stinks. I was so hungry and had a pounding headache. And the stuff I had to drink started making me gag after a while. So far, sedation has been okay for me. It feels like you close your eyes and wake up a split second later. Do you know what kind of sedation they use where you are?

26-04-16, 07:10
Well that's good that nothing serious is going on! Strange how you had no option for sedation, ah well it's done now thankfully.

What will the capsule endoscopy look for?

I'm not sure what they use, I had my last one on the NHS a few years ago and I'm having this one done privately so perhaps they will use something different - I am using different prep to last time x

27-04-16, 03:27
Yeah it seems like things are done quite differently where you are. I don't know why they give you no choice here about the sedation. Maybe if I put up a big enough stink they would have? But it seemed like they were more concerned about making things easier for the doctor doing the procedure. Oh well..

The capsule endoscopy goes through the entire GI tract, so it will be able to see any area the colonoscopy and endoscopy couldn't see.

Please let me know how things go! I will be keeping you in my prayers!

27-04-16, 04:45
Thank you! Wish I could have a capsule endoscopy, sounds pretty detailed!

I have just woken up (set alarm for 4.30 a.m) to take my second lot of Picolax. My appointment is in 4.5 hours x

27-04-16, 14:13
All done! Nothing found besides a small polyp. Fingers crossed that's normal.

Completely different experience to last time, barely any sedation at all and it was so much better when I had loads and was unaware of anything. Watched everything even to the point of removing the polyp.

Bit of discomfort from the air and the bends but wasn't long lasting. Thank goodness that's over with! xx

27-04-16, 20:03
Yayyyyyy! I am so happy for you! :bighug1:

Small polyps are nothing to worry about, I'm sure. Especially if they removed it. I'm sure you don't have to worry about it anymore.

I'm glad it wasn't too uncomfortable for you. That must have been interesting to watch the whole thing. I'm a little jealous.

So how do you feel now? Are you relieved and believe you're okay?

28-04-16, 12:27
I am relieved and I know I'm pretty much going to have to put all my symptoms down to IBS which is a nuisance as there isn't much I can do about that but so glad there wasn't any obvious cause!

Will relax more when I get polyp results but the one in stomach was fine so I'm sure this will be too xx

Yeah, I was so nervous when I didnt feel the affects of the sedation, I was worried because I was aware of everything then it would be painful but it wasn't x

29-04-16, 14:28
Congratulations, I hope I can put myself to try colonoscopy.

29-04-16, 18:57
You can do it! Not as big of a deal as I thought it would be. Everyone is right when they say the prep is the worst part. It's definitely worth it to know you're okay, which I'm sure you are. :)

30-04-16, 20:34
Thank you Nirvans - you can definitely do it! Prep was the worst part but even then it's really not that bad x

17-05-16, 11:04
Went to get my results last night, all good :)

The polyp was benign and he has put me on loperamide. He wants me to go back in 2 months and he would also like me to have another colonoscopy in 5 years.

17-05-16, 12:56
Went to get my results last night, all good :)

The polyp was benign and he has put me on loperamide. He wants me to go back in 2 months and he would also like me to have another colonoscopy in 5 years.

So there ya go... go back and read the first post in this thread and the result. You've driven yourself batty for a month and a half. Glad all is well and a well deserved "Told ya so" :)

Positive thoughts