View Full Version : Anger at anxiety!! Whos with me?

29-03-16, 21:14
Dont anxiety make you so bloody angry? These stupid feelings that makes you absolutley miserable, makes you feel that you are going insane, ruin relationships and feel like ots ruining your life!!! Why on earth do with let it? Are we not bigger and stronger then anxiety? Sorry ive just had a huge "had enough" cry and was thinking why in the hell am i letting anxiety reduce me to this,a blubbering wreck in front of my 2 year old. So so #@$! Off its untrue.

29-03-16, 22:23
It may be more the frustration of being "trapped in a rut" by anxiety, or not being able to image life without so much anxiety.

In the unlikely event you've watched Stargate Atlantis, watch how the Wraith love to get right in the face of their human opponents, leering at them with their shocking, distorted faces. I've always felt this is what anxiety does to us. It gets in our faces and stares us down, and only the brave can look back with a smirk.


29-03-16, 22:45
Thing is i am actually happy, ive got no problems or worries so dont know where this has come from so suddethi. Im angry that anxiety has reduced me to this! Normal feelings and normal stresses sends our bodies into such a terrible state it makes you believe youre crazy! . Im not even anxious but im laying here waiting to be. Drives me mad.

29-03-16, 22:51
You don't need problems or worries. In fact when people are lost in anxiety, usually most of the things they're anxious about either don't exist, or aren't as bad as they seem.

That's the major suckage of anxiety. It just does its own thing whenever it wants and we hang on for the ride.

30-03-16, 11:49
I was laying in bed last night trying to work out the route of my problem and why anxiety raised its ugly head after 11 years and couldnt come to any conclusion. Feeling good today though got a bit more im going to beat this again attitude. Just need to start eating as not ate much in days now.

30-03-16, 20:58
Then the anxiety has become a habit. The original cause probably doesn't matter any more. If you think and do something every day for 11 years, it becomes instintive, ingrained, part of who you are. Effectively anxiety has become your way of life.

Do you find the anxiety is constantly talking away in the background every time you think or say or do things? Is it constantly wearing you down, putting you off?

It won't take you 11 years to change away from anxiety, but it certainly isn't going to happen overnight. You can un-learn what was learned; anxiety is not your destiny.

02-04-16, 00:57
how can we break the habit then? i know it not as simple as changing our thoughts, but what else could it be

04-04-16, 17:28
I'm with you on this one, been fighting it pretty solid for a year and I'm really fed up with up it. Been really trying hard to take back my control - because it's MY life not anxiety's. I've been doing more things that I would have normally down before this round of anxiety and so far so good, I'm starting to feel more like me.

We are all stronger than anxiety and can beat this...