View Full Version : hello everyone :) please read x

30-03-16, 09:21
Hello I am a young female, diagnosed with general anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder and bulimia.I am also an active self harmer.
I am on here as I would like to speak to people who have similar experiences to me. I have had issues in my life (as everyone has) that have contributed to my anxiety and relationships with people, the outside world and food.

I would also like advice on what to do if I feel panic attack coming on. And how to begin talking about my problems with food (I want to recover from my bulimia but I am also so frightened if I stop purging I will get fat :\)

And id like to share my own advise,
Thank you for reading please dont judge :)

30-03-16, 09:26
Hiya francesca95 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

30-03-16, 11:10
I have a couple of things I do when I feel a panic attack come on. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. Major thing is go sit with someone who doesbt judge you. You always feel better when your not freaking out alone. Aand breath for 3 in threw your nose and breath out for 6 threw your mouth. Should settle your heart rate.

Look up mindfullness aswell. Its helped me quite abit but I do struggle to explain it lol

I hope your feel better soon. And dont be afraid to gain some weight. The people who matter will still love you if 6 stone or 26 stone.

30-03-16, 12:17
Hi and welcome to NMP, Fran :welcome:

Please don't worry about being judged on here, we talk about all sorts of sensitive issues. People will be understanding and supportive to you.

There are a few bipolar members I know of so check out fluff's bipolar thread on the Depression board for them. It's on page 2 at the moment, I think.

For eating issues there are some members who talk about ED's and OCD eating issues on the GAD board, look for Kimberley2. She has a long running support thread and I've seen her and other members having treatment for their eating being discussed so that looks like a good place for you to look.

There are people with self harm issues around too, it's pretty diverse on here.