View Full Version : Severe gas pains

30-03-16, 11:47
Everyday now for the past few weeks I've been getting severe gas pains it feels like someone's tightening my insides and each tightening is getting more and more painful and sharp to the point I'm on my knees I let go and the pain stops
Because of this I'm scared to leave the house :(
How do I cope with these pains? It seems worse in the mornings and when I'm stressed out they get worse too. I know it's to do with ibs but my anxiety is the major cause I think.

I didn't know trapped wind could be so painful?

30-03-16, 12:06
I know what you mean, it's like colic in a baby. You can find yourself squeezing the life out a towel on the radiator when sitting on the toilet!

Have you looked at things that can help with the IBS? I only had a very mild bout of IBS compared to many on here (have you seen the IBS board?) but I found peppermint tea helped with the wind for mine.

I know i've seen plenty of people commenting on certain supplements on Amazon when I was looking at some things for other reasons too e.g. probiotics.

It might be worth looking at diet anyway as some things can bad for IBS. I've seen that discussed on the IBS board before. I eat plenty of yoghurt days and found my digestion has greatly improved, even with the foods that I struggled with at times before, because they are probiotic.

30-03-16, 20:49
I've had a lot of pain from trapped wind. Most of my IBS is this one symptom.

I use peppermint and chamomile tea. The Dr prescribed Colofac which I think you can buy over the counter and this has really helped.

I also researched which foods cause gas and try to avoid them. For me the main culprit is wheat.

But more than anything it's my anxiety that seems to produce the worst symptoms. Lots of bloating and pain. The more pain the more anxiety. The more anxiety the more pain.....:weep:

And yes, it's worse in the morning, sometimes completely gone at night.

Hope this helps and you find the right remedy for your problem.

09-04-16, 00:22
Yes mine is so much worse in the morning, i literally wake up with it(great start) the only thing that helps is moving around as much as i can

09-04-16, 00:49
I feel your pain, I suffer with this regularly due to my IBS... the only things that help me personally are peppermint tea, and moving around!:hugs:

09-04-16, 11:33
To avoid gas, avoid foods high in "soluble fiber" such as legumes, oats and barley. Apples, pears and prunes and foods sweetened with sorbitol or xylitol, such as sugar-free gum or diet soda, can also cause gas.