View Full Version : Rough day, need to rein in the anxiety before it spirals. Any tips?

30-03-16, 12:03
Today started off badly, I had to drive to work on my own and my usual route was closed because of a gas leak. One of my biggest triggers is driving and having to go a different route with no real idea of where I was going just had me in a complete state, I spent most of the journey desperately trying not to hyperventilate and feeling on the very brink of a panic attack. I will also have to go home a different way so I'm freaking out about that already then my colleagues start up a conversation about bowel cancer being a silent killer and about all these people they know who've suddenly dropped dead from it. My IBS has been horrendous recently and I've found it really hard not to freak out about it being something worse, so this just sent the HA through the roof, I just wanted to run out of there screaming! I just really need to keep it together until tomorrow. I've got to get myself home tonight without losing it and I really want to get myself to training tonight as I've missed loads of sessions recently because of anxiety and I'd set myself a goal to go tonight. I can just feel the tide of anxiety rising. :(

30-03-16, 14:04
Google your route home? Plan it so you wont be scared. I think thats what id do in your situation.
Sorry your having a bad day. With the ibs thing. Get it checked if your worried. And maybe practise abit of mindfullness. Something my cbt guy showed me. Be aware of your fear recognise it and purposly focus your thoughts elsewhere. Like your worried about your bowels. Recognise whatevers bothering you. Then just transfer. Look out the window, hear all the traffic outside that goes by.
Selectivly ignore that conversation that bothers you.
You fight your mind everyday. Keep going. You can do it. You already have a plan for the evening and if you cant make it dont worry. The world wont blow up.

I hope your day gets better

30-03-16, 15:36
I have googled the route, it's a very sensible suggestion but one of the reasons I have such problems with driving is that directions or looking at a map just don't translate to the actual process of driving for me at all. The only way I can learn a route is to watch someone else drive it and then drive it myself with someone telling me where to go. It's a complete pain I know and people just don't understand why I can't get it but directions are literally like a foreign language to me, they just make me completely blank out.

30-03-16, 17:01
I don't drive at all because of my anxiety. Going places I dont know and other people driving do my head in. So the fact you can get around at all is applaudable :)

31-03-16, 10:29
It's taken me 8 years (since learning to drive) to actually be able to drive anywhere on my own. I can basically drive to work and back and a few places very local to me to do the shopping and stuff, and each of these routes I've had to memorise off by heart, the speed limits, the junctions, the lanes, everything! Anytime I need to be able to go somewhere new I have to get my my boyfriend to drive it first so I can see it , then accompany me while I drive it and talk me through it, often several times. It's an agonising process but it's allowed me some measure of independence so it's worth it. I absolutely feel for you, it's taken a very long time for me to get this far, and some days I still just can't do it.