View Full Version : Paranoid about my heart

30-03-16, 14:11

would just like to give you my experience and see if other people are on the same boat, since i was 16 i had chest pain turns out becuase i was growing so fast but the fear i had when i first started to get the chest pain never even left me until i got an ECG about 16/17 years old it came back all good but i believe something stuck in my head since that day.

now 25 , for the last 2/3 years i have suffered from anxiety mostly because im paranoid about my heart health even though roughly a year and a half ago i had another ECG and it came back fine. I do have very bad sinus problems which from time to time affects my breathing which leads to panic also which includes my heart punding heavily.

anyone have similar issues? and whats their opinion on ECG's how accurate are they?

30-03-16, 14:23
I have had about 5 ECGs in my life. They measure the electrical activity of your heart and are extremely accurate I would assume in regards to irregular heart beats and what not.

If your blood pressure is reasonably ok and you have a good ECG, what more could you want?

30-03-16, 14:26
i had my blood pressure took a few weeks back and its all good, not had an ecg in a year or so though

30-03-16, 14:33
We're the same age and I have worried about the same thing, so I'll just give you the details that make me not worry.

You have normal blood pressure. Probably normal cholesterol. You really haven't been alive long enough for either of those to cause heart conditions.

You have a normal ECG. Who cares if it was a year ago, you probably ruled out birth defects. I believe a lot of heart conditions in our age range are from defects.

A doctor listens to your heart every time you see one. They hear it beating. They hear valves opening and closing.

I mean... Its not just about the ECG. Its about the sum of all of the parts.

My medical knowledge is lacking, but I am confident that I don't have heart issues now just from thinking about those things.

04-04-16, 11:07
thanks for that reply, what you've just said is the way i think sometimes but then my anxiety takes over for a while and its a battle with myself to talk sense into myself

04-04-16, 15:03
heart problems that people are born with like long qt syndrome etc are always picked up on ecg's. There is a call for routine screening by ecg of all teenagers because this would pick up all those at risk of sudden death because as said all the genetic conditions show up on basic ecg.

So if you had a clear ecg at 17 then you can forget all those heart conditions that you read about that say they had been born with them but no one knew.