View Full Version : Somewhat mostly successful story.

30-03-16, 17:09
Hey everyone. I haven't really been on this site too much the past couple month. I use to almost live on it though. Like everyone else, just hoping to see who shows up with answers that make sense or remedies that truly help. My anxiety was terrible. Felt like I've tried everything to fix it but nothing was good enough.
For 10 years I suffered mostly from nausea because of anxiety. But not until recently did it turn for the worse. It wasn't just nausea anymore. I started feel heavy headed (felt like my head needs to roll off my shoulders), headaches, facial/head tightness/numbing, felt like when I walked I had conveyor belts under me going inward, dizzy almost 24/7, heart palps, burning sensations, etc. The list is huge.
I have tried everything from medications (Cits, currently on Sertaline still 50mg), a pharmacy full of supplements, diet change (hard one), daily walks, chiropractor visits, massage therapy, etc. Things got slightly better but not drastically. Well the chiropractor got rid of my headaches at least!
I went to the neurologist for the first time and he did a ton of tests. He doesn't see anything serious going on. I don't show signs of any neurological disease but he did mess with some trigger points in my neck and shoulders. One spot in my shoulder I felt like I was about to pass out. Was a little pain but me feeling like passing out wasn't due to that. He found a few more spots that have been triggering the burning sensations in feet and hands. He thinks I'm having tension headaches just without the pain. He thinks my shoulders and neck are so tension it's messign with my trigger points. So starting this week I'll be going through something called Manual Therapy.
Although I'm still going through my issues that may have been triggered due to constant stress and anxiety it's nice to possibly figured out what's causing all of these issues the past 8 months. They can't find anything else and him pushing on specific spots causing me to almost pass out not due to pain is a good sign in my eyes.
I know how hard it is to have all of these symptoms and not truly knowing if anxiety is really the answer or not. With our anxiety filled brains all we can think of are all the "what-ifs" nonstop. We can't stop it. It really helped when talking to my neurologist he was upset when he hears people tell others with anxiety to "suck it up" or "just don't think about it". Anxiety is hardwired into everyone. Just a lot of us have it for too long verse the normal anxiety durations which takes a toll on us. But we can train out brains to help deal with it better.
With that being said, don't expect things to get better on their own. I know people say "Time cures all" but really it doesn't. You being proactive about your issues does. There's no magic fix because everyone is different.
What helped me out A TON when I first started being proactive, nightly walks. Less people out there, the air is nice and cool, relaxing. Every day I woke up and felt nice to have something to look forward to at the end of the day. Not a lot of us have that feeling when we are anxious. We choose not to do anything in fear our anxiety will flare up. Seriously though, go for a walk at night if you can. It really does help.
After a few sessions of Manual Therapy I'll come back and reply to this post on any or no progress. I'm going to stay positive that we found my answer finally. My mind a bit more clearer now too so if anybody of you want to talk or compare what I went through with what you're going through now it could be good for the both of us. :)

30-03-16, 17:18
Thank you for sharing this ia am back and forth with some of theses symtoms to my Dr at the moment and it's a nightmare .
I do have a lifelong bone condition so the feeling off balance and dizzy really worries me .

30-03-16, 17:34
What have you done for tests so far? How long have you been dizzy/off balance? I've had that too and I've mostly got rid of it.

You're in the right place. You're not alone. At first I came to this forum for answers. Then at the end I continued coming here because people here are amazing. They UNDERSTAND what you're going through. Family don't unless they felt it before. Be strong. I know its hard, believe me, I know. But all I can ask is be proactive as possible. Time doesn't always fix things, but you can. If you're a googler on symptoms be super smart about your searches. Remember that a lot of the disease you might run into are extremely rare. If I didn't smart google I wouldn't have thought of the things to try that I will continue with even if my symptoms vanish.