View Full Version : Unsure weather to still go to Spain or not?

30-03-16, 19:00
Hey everyone
I'm off to Spain on Friday but have got the holiday nerves where I believe that something bad will happen to me if I go. One friend has dropped out so I fear that because I don't know the others so well who would I turn to if I took Ill? I'm convinced I have cancer of some sort and know it's so strange to feel this way but I can't help it.

Can anyone give me any advice?


30-03-16, 19:03
Go! The change of environment, sunshine and distraction will do you the WORLD of good.

U won't take ill and if you did, one of the others would look after you, much as you would look after them!!

Skkyee xx

30-03-16, 19:28
I don't know how long you are going for... but I bet whatever horrible diseases you think you have will not affect you in the timespan of your vacation. There is nothing to worry about that cannot wait until the vacation is over. Unless its like a year.

Go enjoy it. I would love to go to Spain. Especially since I live in the United States.

30-03-16, 19:33
Thanks guys. I'm just finding it hard to shift the thoughts im having about being seriously ill ��

30-03-16, 19:37
I would go katyfitz, I have let anxiety win in the past and cancelled holidays, days out etc and wish I hadn't. You are going with friends and I'm sure they will support you. I think once you are there you will be fine. :)

30-03-16, 19:47
not going will only make you worse off.

30-03-16, 19:56
The worst thing that could happen to you is that it's cloudy instead of sunny when you come, and that is not a very common event :roflmao:.

30-03-16, 20:05
Are you kidding?

Spain has one of the purest air that you can breathe, the food is fresh, the sun is healing, the views are breath taking and the journey is less than driving on the M25.

The holiday is healing in itself.
Look at the positives and you may come back a different person. x

30-03-16, 20:16
Yea hopefully. Thanks for your support everyone x

30-03-16, 20:39
The worst "What Ifs" are not the things that may possibly happen to you but the things you give up due to that fear.

Positive thoughts

30-03-16, 21:09
Totally agree with Fishmanpa....you can't let this stop you from going on holiday!
When I was in the depths of my HA the one thing that always helped was going away, new environment, nice things to do, a break from routine, you might find you have so many other things to think about you forget all about it...please go :)

30-03-16, 22:24
I went to Iceland in February on my own. This was just a few weeks after the event that triggered my anxiety. My physical and emotional symptoms were at their highest. But I went. I went because I knew I'd regret it if I didn't and because I know how big a role avoidance can play in worsening anxiety. I also wasn't going to let the condition make decisions for me.

I had a brilliant time and nothing bad happened to me. My life will always be richer for that experience. I still have anxiety, but I'm planning my summer holiday now.

What I'm saying is, you should go.

30-03-16, 23:58
Thank you everyone x

Female healthanxiety
31-03-16, 14:19
Go go go.... Do not let anxiety tell you otherwise.

I'm always the same, but when I actually get there I just think we'll I'm here let's enjoy little bits that I can.

You'll be fine, promise X