View Full Version : urgent help needed!! re vertigo pls reply someone!

31-03-16, 00:13
Goodness me I am in a hotel room tying to sleep after traveling non stop all day despite I was already suffering from this vertigo which I shouldve seen the doctor about.....I put it off cos this started in jan alongside a stressful period on the work programme were they sent me to a work trial which affected my anxiety. Was dizzy 2 wks or so in dec but after this had gone the vertigo(beon on a boat bobbing feeling) went away for xmas etc...it kkind of returned on a small level ie I'd only get it when lying down to sleep @nite but wenever it felt bad I didn't feel able to stay at my bfs or drink alcohol.

Today was an important trip decided to ridk it and go despite this vertigo been back everyday for about two wks now and I really don't know why!!! Spose it could be my anxety llike my old dr once said but this feels too much to be anxiety hwever I feel panicked out of my mind thinking this won't stop tonite cos I need it to and need to sleep! I knew all the travel would make it worse:((( n play up.

I've had small periods of vertigo about 5/6 times now if include now and dec episodes of this...so used to it but this does feel dffernt n worse...

My other symptoms were (but now its just this vertigo n being pulled to one side feelingm righ t now in bed this is just horrible. I aslo was getting random ringing in my ears n random bursts of ear pain, and felt my eye went a bit momentarily blurry occasionally since having this for the 2wks noe.

Please somoen advise me on what I can do to stop this vertigo? I feel worse than I've ever felt with this... Thing is bwtween dec n it coming back recently irt had gone(tho did seem to intermittednly come back but only wen lying down at night) just can't stop this$ and I would go to the hospital right now if I was at home but

And just incase its all my anxiety?? Ca anyone helpp me get this to go away so I can sleep? Was fine till I lied down as well. Well not as bad as I am now let's say

Anyone know what tjis could be ?? When I used to go to drs my old dr always said it was my anxiety but this dec and now experience seems like something else.

31-03-16, 00:22

Feel your pain, i've been suffering with this for a year, on and off, but has been on for about 5-6 weeks now, better some days worse others. They have also told me anxiety, although they are looking into sinus issue's i may have, and i am yet to get my ears checked.

Mine also came on(both times) after a very stressful period, it's such a scary feeling and totally consuming. Mine sometimes comes on randomly when i lie down, it can feel like i'm sinking into the bed, being pulled to one side, or just floaty.

When i first got this i was nauseous, but now i am pretty much 'used' to it so no sickness. However i've not found anything to help with it, apart from 'not focusing on it' which like i said above it is so consuming it's very hard not to focus on it. But i did learn how to 'accept' what was happening and try and tell myself nothing is going to come of it, it will go away.

I'm not convinced mine is ALL anxiety, but it is definitely linked to that and stress. I have tense neck muscles which may be contributing, and ear pain too.
You have saw your GP like i have i am sure they know what they're talking about. It's not easy i know x

There is a thread on here somewhere about certain exercises/positions that could help it, i will have a search x

31-03-16, 00:31
Goldenchick, you can try some gentle breathing through the left nostril only, just a few times. Breathe 4 in and slowly 8 out. This will slow down your erratic breathing.
Distraction, like reading and make sure you have plenty of fluids, preferably water.

31-03-16, 08:29
Is it worse when laying on one side or turning over in bed?

31-03-16, 10:15
I get this vertigo a lot. I also suffer from bad anxiety and health anxiety.
Mostly I believe my vertigo is related to the anxiety but not always.
I had a two week period where it was due to hormonal changes, according to the doctor.
I also went through a time when it flared up whenever I travelled any sort of distance in the car. This was due to an inner ear problem.
To reassure yourself, get a checkup, maybe it's just a small problem with your ear.
I've heard of people who have it way worse than us. Sometimes unable to even stand up. And all due to an inner ear infection. Sorted with medication.

31-03-16, 14:42
Thabks for helpful replies. On phone so can only reply breifly . I do think it was getting worse when lying on my right side before falling asleep whoch is the side I lie on. Slept on left side and semed to help possibly :S its too hard to tell tho. Going to drs this week and can only hope she can get me a solution for this and see if its my anxiety this time or not. I'm still hoping it will just be going away soon. Gonna try motion sickness pills for it as its the feeling it also causes ! Till I go to the doctors.

Bloody awful symptom isn't it :s nothing worse than being unsteady and feeling vertigo ! Cos u just don't feel stable

31-03-16, 15:22
vertigo is when the whole room spins in circles.

31-03-16, 17:54
Ginger. Buy ginger and learn to love it. You can use fresh and juice it abiut an inch with an aoole or,pear or celery. Candied ginger is good as well and even the ginger from a japanese resturant or shop. Eat it daily. Also a really good idea to see an opthamologist and get a full dilated eye exam. Verytgo is scary and can have so many reasons. Range from ear issue, eye issues, sinus, blood pressure or pinching certain nerves in yiur cervical spine to peri and menapause. Ginger helps. Celery helps (a bunch in a juicer).

31-03-16, 21:18
Ooh - you might have Positional Vertigo - head to the docs - it's easily diagnosed and easily treated - my mum has it along with HA xx

31-03-16, 22:27
vertigo is when the whole room spins in circles.

I've been so confused about this, because that's exactly what my doctor said when i said i had vertigo, she said vertigo is the room spinning. Which isn't what i have. Mine is like, feeling like i'm swaying or the room is slightly, rocking feeling and when i lie or sit down i feel like i'm either sinking or tipping, when walking the floor can look like it's moving and my head just feels spacey.

31-03-16, 22:57
Yes true vertigo is when the room spins around you and you literally have to hold onto the floor. Dizziness is much milder version which is what you seem to be describing.
Loads of things can cause this. Tiredness and anxiety is a biggy. Tension in your neck muscles is another cause.
Benign positional vertigo means that when you have your head in one position only ( for example turning over in bed onto a certain side) gives you the spinning sensation but as soon as you get out of the position the spinning stops.
If you haven't been to ENT Dr yet then it would be sensible to see one as your problem is ongoing.
My friend had labyrinthitis ( virus affecting ear nerve) and was bedbound for 2 weeks but in this you are fine as long as you are laid down and the vertigo and its bad vertigo only happens when you get up and usually you feel or are sick. She was housebound for 4 weeks and could not drive for 10 weeks. If she gets herself tired or stressed then it comes back but much less severe and only lasts 24 hrs.

31-03-16, 23:05
Yes true vertigo is when the room spins around you and you literally have to hold onto the floor. Dizziness is much milder version which is what you seem to be describing.
Loads of things can cause this. Tiredness and anxiety is a biggy. Tension in your neck muscles is another cause.
Benign positional vertigo means that when you have your head in one position only ( for example turning over in bed onto a certain side) gives you the spinning sensation but as soon as you get out of the position the spinning stops.
If you haven't been to ENT Dr yet then it would be sensible to see one as your problem is ongoing.
My friend had labyrinthitis ( virus affecting ear nerve) and was bedbound for 2 weeks but in this you are fine as long as you are laid down and the vertigo and its bad vertigo only happens when you get up and usually you feel or are sick. She was housebound for 4 weeks and could not drive for 10 weeks. If she gets herself tired or stressed then it comes back but much less severe and only lasts 24 hrs.

I've been having a lot of neck pain recently and also ear/sinus problems so could be anything or a whole bunch of things contributing to this drunken swaying feeling. Doc has referred me to physiotherapy for neck, but i would like to see an ENT x

01-04-16, 01:51
Sounds a bit like labrynthitis. I had this a couple of years ago and I never had it so badly that I was bed bound, except maybe for the first morning I had it. I had the blocked ears (felt like water was in them - I had to keep equalizing pressure like you do on a plane), nausea, dizziness and eye symptoms. It eventually goes away in time. Some people try anti nausea bands (those travel sickness ones).

Like someone else said, it could be positional vertigo.

Check in with a Dr when you get back. In the meantime, maybe try some anti-nausea tablets (travel sick ones).

01-04-16, 11:49
When my anxiety was at its worst and I was having a lot of panic attacks too and so in a constant state of high anxiety, I had this. I

I could be sitting at the table and watch my glass of water sway from side to side. The furniture looked like it was moving. I felt like I was falling over. It wasn't explained to me but a friend who had been through the same anxiety said she experienced similar symptoms. It made me feel better knowing someone else had it too.

Eventually it disappeared but every time I have bad anxiety I get it in small doses. I'm so used to it now that I ignore it. It goes then.

I remember now that my first panic attack was brought n by this. Just seeing items swaying and the fear that I would faint caused me to panic.

I'd say that if you've had a check up with a doctor and they're not concerned then it's possibly, even probable that your symptoms are caused by anxiety. It sounds like you are very stressed and that this condition is making you worse because you're worrying about it.

Give yourself some time out, try to do something relaxing, give yourself a time limit before you worry about it again. Either it'll disappear, or if it gets worse, go back to the doctor and demand some tests. Ears, sinuses, eyes.

Worrying about it will only make it worse.

01-04-16, 12:04
Such alot of people who are diagnosed as having labyrinthitis have been having a very stressful tiring time in the weeks before it hits and i for one am convinced that this is the cause rather than some random maybe virus.

I worked with a lady whose partner walked out on her and she was devastated, 2 weeks later she was totally bed bound with severe vertigo and was like this for 4 weeks, she had a choice of go to hospital or find someone to move in with her which thankfully she did.

For the next 2 years everytime she got very tired and stressed she would be off work for a week back in bed although never as bad as the original attack.

The same thing happened to my son as a teenager and at least once a year for next 10 years he would have one bad day whenever he got very tired or stressed. my husband and I were involved in a near fatal road accident and the next morning my son could not get out of bed becauase of the vertigo but was okay after 24 hrs.

All very strange!

01-04-16, 13:25
Such alot of people who are diagnosed as having labyrinthitis have been having a very stressful tiring time in the weeks before it hits and i for one am convinced that this is the cause rather than some random maybe virus.

I worked with a lady whose partner walked out on her and she was devastated, 2 weeks later she was totally bed bound with severe vertigo and was like this for 4 weeks, she had a choice of go to hospital or find someone to move in with her which thankfully she did.

For the next 2 years everytime she got very tired and stressed she would be off work for a week back in bed although never as bad as the original attack.

The same thing happened to my son as a teenager and at least once a year for next 10 years he would have one bad day whenever he got very tired or stressed. my husband and I were involved in a near fatal road accident and the next morning my son could not get out of bed becauase of the vertigo but was okay after 24 hrs.

All very strange!

I agree with this, there's definitely a link for me even though mines not true vertigo. I suppose it's when you have 'more than normal' amount of stress, because both of my attacks of this unsteadiness, swaying came after some seriously stressful events/times, i don't think my body could cope and this is what happened.

01-04-16, 14:43
As a long time sufferer (20 years) of vertigo - the worse variety where I can barely stand because the room is spinning, I can't move my head and when I do I start retching, I can tell you that the quickest and easiest remedy is to call into a pharmacy and buy some OTC antihistamine; daytime version obviously for the day, and a night-time to be used at night. Often, if you can sort it out at night time with a good night's sleep then the daytime problems lessen.

As soon as you can sensibly get to your GP ask him for a prescription of something a little more powerful and ask him to refer you to a specialist. I had an MRI and after a thorough investigation it was concluded that I have Menieres Disease (which is not unusual and often results in Tinnitus - which you describe).

I have now learned how to spot the onset of an attack, and as long as I can quickly lay down in a darkened room it can be nipped in the bud. Trying to continue activities with a bad vertigo attack is asking for problems.