View Full Version : Eye test panic

31-03-16, 08:31
Hi I am new here.
I have always suffered with anxiety but recently particularly since Christmas I have had quite bad health anxiety about my eyes and head. My Mum died with a brain tumour about 5 1/2 years ago so I have always been nervous about eye tests as they can show up sinister things in your head. Last year I went for an eye test and they said all was fine. I was relieved as that meant I didn't have to go for one for 2 years. Anyway this passed few months started worrying about eyes went for another eye test all fine. Then I started seeing bad floaters ( I know) so I went for another one with a different optician yesterday. He was really good and listened as I told him about my dads ocular hypertension which he got at 38. He gave me a test which took a photo of my eye and scanned my optic nerve. He then showed me the results on computer. He said the scan was good he could see my floaters, he wasn't concerned, so I was relieved. Then he pointed to the scan of my optic nerve I think he said it was good but all I remember was him pointing and saying it was matched against other people my age and race and that in 2 points my fibres or vessels are weak and I am in the one percent for my age group. I.E it isn't common. I asked him what it meant he seemed uncommitted and didn't really answer. I asked him if it meant that I had glaucoma or was going to need further tests. He said no and too come back in 2 years like normal that he had really good machines and that he would re scan then and keep a check on the optic nerve. He really didn't seem bothered and I left with the impression it was normal for me but could possibly cause problems recharging glaucoma in the future. So I was happy but then my anxiety reared up and now I am panicking. I am not worried for my sight now or even having glaucoma as I know it is just drops. I am worrying about my next eye test and getting refered to the doctor and hospital. I read somewhere on line that it could mean MS or something else but he never refered me or wanted me to come earlier. From reading stuff (I didn't really understand online) I saw a similar graph to what he showed me and this website said the patient had Glucoma. Should I go back in a year? Should I not worry as the expert isn't worried. I just hate tests and waiting for results. I have got it into my head that my next eye test will be traumatising to the third degree and can't calm down thinking the worst that in the not too distant future I could be blind even though I have 98 percent vision at the moment. Wonder if anyone has had anything like this? :unsure::unsure::unsure: