View Full Version : Camera down throat

31-03-16, 10:10
Hi all

Just a question, I had a camera down my throat (through my nose) last week due to a persistent sore throat when swallowing & the ENT consultant put a scope down my nose into my throat, I was diagnosed with inflammation around the larynx & reflux & given Omperazole by my Dr 2 weeks ago for 2 months.

My anxiety has now kicked in thinking because the pain when I swallow & the feeling of someone choking me and swallowing a foreign object all the time has not gone even with the PPI's my thoughts are that although there is no mass or tumor seen with the scope down (consultant said he went as far down as the beginning of my gullet) that I could now have esophageal cancer as he did not look down that part but only my voicebox & the back of my throat...

The discomfort is not going, I have had this since Mid January & this is really worrying me now. I try and make the motion of pulling my throat apart as it feels like it is sticking and it feels sore when I expand it, the horrible feeling comes from where my voicebox sits.

So fed up do not really know what else to do next!
Any advice other than going back to the doctors that say I am mad or have anxiety!

01-04-16, 23:56
Hi Kay

I'm a Kay too!

I've had the same symptoms for a few years and it's reflux and LPR. It means that you don't even have to feel burning LPR is like a silent reflux that affects your larynx and irritates it. The lump feeling is the constant irritation from as little as the vapours from the acid. Unfortunately the omeprazole will take a few months to start working but hang in there and take them religiously it does get better.

I assure you it's not cancer but maybe ask for an endoscopy to put your mind at rest.

Stress and anxiety makes it worse so try to relax and take your mind off it. Also warm almond milk (try to cut out cows milk as this makes reflux worse and add a little manuka honey to coat your throat. Also peptic is great to use alongside ppis as this protects your throat with a coating but you don't feel it all. Lofty like gaviscon. It will give your throat a chance to heal.