View Full Version : I don't know how much more I can take

31-03-16, 11:00
I'm in pieces everytime I feel good something has to happen in went out last night to bingo with a friend and all a sudden eye heaviness pain muscle twitches all in face eye ect hands I thought I was having a stroke so I had a panic attack that I had to hide away from over 200 people I had to sit and hold the shaking and try to deep breathe secretly ! I got home to feel no more better although between that happening in was OK every now and again until my body reminded me about it and I would have like little panics all I wanted to do was have a night off from the kids cleaning ect and enjoy myself but nope !
Now this morning I woke up feeling normal again I was absolutely fine I got a weird passing out feeling but as I'm pregnant I have low blood pressure so thought it was just that two hours past and I was fine until now my chest keeps going tight I keep choking it actually feels like when your drowning in my throat or when you swallow something wrong and get that burning tickle that you can't breathe and now I'm having difficulty breathing I just don't know what to do with myself ? I get better to get worse I try my hardest to go back to the positive person I was but I just can't I have like 5+ symtoms a day ! Everyday is a struggle I never know when the symtoms will come or what they will be in don't even expect it I don't just sit there waiting I could win the lottery and I'd probably be sat there not bothered as I'd be "dying " from these nasty symtoms does it ever go ?? Its been two years of hell I'm due to give birth in three weeks how can I? ? I'm going to end up panicking while in labour or mistaking my labour symtoms as something worse I've given birth two times before but not with anxiety like this I was so strong before I'm just really weak right now

Female healthanxiety
31-03-16, 14:18
Awwww hun I know how your feeling! Anxiety can knock us down when we least expect it can't it?

I'm the same lately, heavy blurry eyes, dizziness etc. It's disabling to say the least.

Sounds like your suffering from digestion - especially since your pregnant too. Pregnancy can make you feel completely unhuman and Ill.

It sounds like your worrying about the next few weeks. Try and tell yourself that your pregnant and any feeling you have is due to that fact.

Try and rest as much as you can.

Good luck and you'll have a lovely little face to keep your mind off things soon


31-03-16, 17:56
There is this person who runs a show called anxiety guru. You should search this. Very helpful advicd there.

31-03-16, 20:56
Thanks so much for replying I know I keep telling myself this hopefully won't feel the same when baby's herewith because I'm scared I'll make myself even more Ill with worry I just don't understand how one minute I can be fine the next I have loads of symtoms to deal with like tonight it's ear pain running to my throat and for no reason and that pain only started after I started worrying about my breathing which turned into me thinking about my heart so now I have chest back ear throat pain really wish I could have a break from the symtoms but they just keep coming :( doesn't seem fair I'm going to look up that guru thing now hopefully calm me down I have a anxiety book but sometimes it makes me worry more xx