View Full Version : Heady, Dizzy, Drunk eyes, Weak 😐

Female healthanxiety
31-03-16, 14:46
Hello members,

I've felt absolute terrible for about a week now.

I feel like I'm continuously hot (but then my hands and feet are cold), I can't walk straight, I went to Tesco yesterday to pick up some bits, and stood in the queue and felt like I was going to tip over.

My eyes feel drunk, and my head feels heavy, plus my neck and shoulders are stiff as a result.

I had to drive 3 days ago as it was my birthday and whenever I stopped I felt like I was spinning, terrifying. I notice my pulse is fast whenever it's at its worst.

Even indoors I feel the same.

Laying does not make it better.

My finger joints also feel sensitive, even typing this, my phone feels heavy in my hands.

The only thing I take is vitamin D everyday and the pill.

I wake up everyday with the same feeling, like I'm drunk, my eyes are not focusing and feel sick.

I've done the usual self help methods, nurofen, hot bath, but nothing has worke:welcome.

I'm going out of my mind, as I need to go to work but how can I when I can't even drive, walk or focus.

Any feedback really appreciated.

NB: I had an eye test, ear test last year and the only thing that came back was I had rhinitis to which I'm taking a nasal spray for.

---------- Post added at 14:46 ---------- Previous post was at 12:46 ----------

Also feeling short of breath and sleeping and tired constantly

31-03-16, 18:21
I can relate to all you say. I'm sorry you feel this way but you are not alone. Have you been to speak with your doctor?

Female healthanxiety
31-03-16, 22:03
Thank you for your reply.

I am tomorrow and I will not be Palmed off with anxiety.

31-03-16, 23:05
I had this about 2 years ago. It was really scary. Especially the dizziness part. I went to the dr.'s who said it was just anxiety so I had to do my own research. I changed my diet for about a year and a half and I am rarely dizzy anymore. but sometimes I felt like I had to hang on to a wall to be steady. I did give up wheat, alcohol, dairy,soy corn etc... there is more too. No artificial sweetners or sugar except for fruit and not much of that. I also did a series of cleanses like 1st a colon cleanse, 2nd parasite cleanse and then a candida cleanse. I am only suggesting these things because my dr. was of no help. But the craziest thing of all, was it turned out to be parasites (most people with dogs or pets have them) Do your research and see if anything applies to you. Also dizziness and perimenopause is common. That is a hormonal imbalance, which with a strict diet can change your life. It isn't easy but it sure beats the symptoms. But of course go to the dr's and also get your thyroid checked too. I have gone off my diet for a few months and I have not been feeling so good either so it looks like it's back to it.

---------- Post added at 18:05 ---------- Previous post was at 18:03 ----------

I just re-read your post, you should definitely get your thyroid checked.

Female healthanxiety
01-04-16, 13:29

Thank you for your reply.

I'm 33 so hopefully not the premenopausal :-(

I had my thyroid checked 3 months ago, and while I feel that the reading was on the high side (under active) I was assured it was fine.

01-04-16, 13:38
I get this as well. Have you tried magnesium tablets? A large chunk of the population is magnesium deficient, which can cause some of these symptoms.

Coupled with anxiety, you end up worrying more and subconsciously hyperventilating which exacerbates the dizziness. This also explains shortness of breath. Maybe you frown more or clench your jaw which causes the pressure around your eyes.

Stiff neck and shoulders, perhaps this is subconscious tension of the muscles because you're anxious. In turn this can affect neck muscles which feel weak/tight and thus struggle to support your head, which is why it can feel heavy?

You may also have low blood sugar, or a bunch of other easily treatable deficiencies of some sort.

I'm not a doctor, so naturally you should check with yours. But this is what my doc and psychologist said when I presented similar symptoms.

I really hope you feel better soon :)

Female healthanxiety
02-04-16, 12:44

Went to the DRs and she prescribed me Prochlorperazine as she said it sounds like labyrinithis. Have taken 2 already, the sicky feeling has gone however am still dizzy :-(

Was meant to go to my friends birthday party tonight, which we've been talking about for months :-(

Hi potato- yea I've previously tried magnesium, hasn't made any difference. Yes I have noticed I clench my jaw an awful lot actually.

I've woken up today and my head feels full again! I have continually had stiff neck and shoulders too.

My blood pressure was high when I went it was 160/92 but then it went down and down the more times she did it- she wasn't worried about it as she said it's probably anxiety...


---------- Post added at 12:44 ---------- Previous post was at 12:43 ----------

Also woke up with blinking spots but then they disappeared after a good few 20 blinks. Almost like little fly spots!

02-04-16, 13:44
Which pill do you take? X

Female healthanxiety
02-04-16, 13:54

Mini pill - cerazette

help me 21
02-04-16, 15:35
Sounds like depersonalisation google it plz u will understand it and abit of anxiety to

02-04-16, 23:09
Thanks for keeping us updated.
I have similar issues.
Hope the meds are working for you

Female healthanxiety
03-04-16, 17:04
Well......managed to go out last night. Didn't take my tablets yesterday as I didn't wanna not have a drink if I felt funny when I was there.

I drank loads of wine and the more I felt the dizziness the more I drank (yes, stupid) I just wanted to feel normal and plus I have no confidence so I thought what the heck!

Today....... Yes I feel terrible (I know it serves me right) but i go out about twice a year and this was my friends long awaited 50th!

Do you think I can take my tablets today? The reason I did not take them yesterday as it said I can't drink on them.

I'm just aware that I still have lots of alcohol in my system (probably stopped drinking at 2am


worrier 82
04-04-16, 19:01
Hello how are you feeling now? I have been feeling this for about 10 weeks I was put on those stemetil about 4 weeks ago they do help but I still feeling the whooshiness I was referred to ent today appointment not till 26 May though as doctor thinks mine is labyrinthitis or something, my ears are fine had 3 doctors look inside all said was clear. I hope you feel on the mend soon it's horrible I know trust me the balance issue is horrible but the tablets do take the edge off I find especially with the anxiety.

Female healthanxiety
04-04-16, 21:34
Hello worrier,

Thank you for your message.

Still feeling the same tbh. Yes, stemetil are I think the same as mine.

I've only been on them properly for 3 days, they make me feel sleepy and I keep getting very vivid dreams!!! How about you? How many mg you on a day?

I'm the same, externally Drs say my ears are fine which is making me feel worse to be honest.

I had Ent just over a year ago and nothing with the ears again.

Think ideally, if these tablets don't work, I would like an MRI, it's verging on for too long now

04-04-16, 22:04
Wow, your symptoms are almost identical to mine! It's horrible, isn't it? I am having a bad bout of insomnia on top if it (despite being on sleeping meds) which just makes it all worse.

It's good to get things checked out medically but I have been told again and again this is all caused by anxiety and too much adrenaline pumping around.

I hope you feel better soon


Female healthanxiety
04-04-16, 22:09
It is indeed - I said to someone the other day id rather just faint and get it over with!

I hope you feel better too - do let me know how you get on with everything I'm in here most days xx

worrier 82
04-04-16, 22:30
Hello I'm on 5mg three times a day I been trying to only take 2 last few days but really struggling tonight. I find they helping with anxiety side but still feeling whooshy and at sea also sensitive to some sounds again don't know if anxiety or ear issue. Yes the fact doctor can't see anything freaks me out too. I keep thinking the worse it's horrible. I have had anxiety for years but never had dizziness which makes me think it's an actual health issue not anxiety related but I know all these symptoms are anxiety symptoms as well its so hard to not get bogged down with it. I haven't had the sleepiness because of the tablets I was worried about that if anything I can't sleep! I do hope you start feeling better soon

Female healthanxiety
04-04-16, 23:54
Hi worrier,

Gosh I'm in 5mg too 3x a day - just took my last one for the night and I've got a headache!

It's ok I'm struggling too - it's weird isn't it we just don't know what to do with ourselves as no form of self help seems to actually help or make it go away or feel better.

Do you work? Maybe the pressure of that is making you feel worse anxiety-wise.

Same as me anxiety I've had for years (I'm 33) but never ever anything this physical for so long and also this has never been one of my anxiety symptoms!!!!

Probably doesn't help that your not getting enough sleep - tiredness can make the dizziness worse...


05-04-16, 09:04
I have recently have been diagnosed with tinnitus, and that can lead to dizziness and nausea. I ended up getting so anxious when i got dizzy and sick i had to leave work two weeks in a row , i was woalking up the stairs in work when i started to to really feel dizzy, sick , palpitations i thought i was going to collapse. i started to think maybe there was something wrong with my heart or brain at the time.

i have calmed down a bit now but every few days in work i get that horrible nervous feeling that it could happen again.

Female healthanxiety
05-04-16, 13:51
Hi Dmc,

You poor thing - at least you have a diagnosis, and hopefully now you can try and make yourself feel better, also I find reading up other sufferers stories can be helpful.

Well I spoke to my normal DR just now on the phone (as I had to see a locus last week) and he said I've had this for a while (sounded like he's not taking it seriously) I had to ask for a sick note for work as they are asking.

The anxiety based around this is the worst isn't it? I'm the same, in my car, standing still, I'm a queue, I can feel myself getting sweaty and lightheaded, almost drugged it's not nice at all. Well done for going back into work, think I'm going back in tomorrow and I am completely dreading it tbh.

05-04-16, 14:35
At best this is just fatigue from constant stress biology.

At worst, you might have mono or another variant of EBV? It presents itself with very few traditional symptoms in adults, and can often be quite vague (i.e. weakness, tiredness, headaches, sore joints/muscles) and can last ages, though it's harmless and resolves itself on its own. In fact, a lot of people have no symptoms besides fatigue and that 'drunk feeling' :)

It's way more common than any of the maladies you might be worried about.

Hope you feel better soon! :yesyes:

Female healthanxiety
05-04-16, 16:30
Hi potato,

Thank you for your message again.

I used to be such an outgoing person, running round for everybody and me and sometimes I used to wonder where I got all the energy from to be honest - but took it all within my pride.

I've gone from a normal class working, socialising at weekends person to a non-moving individual. And believe me I've had dizziness on and off for 2 years and have tried more than 20+ things ranging from meditation, yoga, to medication.

It's quite interesting what you mentioned about the stress biology, my sister was in hospital for a year and I would have a programme of finishing work, going to seemed every evening, going home cleaning, so was very stressful emotionally and physically. I've had anxiety for over 15 years and have never ever felt this physically unable to do anything. Normally I can shrug off (after a while).
