View Full Version : Top tips on calming down would be very much appreciated now.

31-03-16, 18:20
So as some or lots of you are aware I'm going on holiday tomorrow morning and right now I'm not wanting to go. I've packed but have no interest in going because I know for a fact (or my mind is telling me) something terrible will happen and all the symptoms I feel today will get worse and worse over time whilst away. I've got bad lower back pain, stuff going on with bowels, cramp type pains, very tired and just constantly thinking the worst and that I'm riddled with cancer. Is it normal to think this way? How can I get myself to the airport and go away? I'm feeling very scared. If anyone is free to chat id appreciate it x

31-03-16, 18:26
You haven't got cancer it's anxiety symptoms. If you don't want to go don't go

31-03-16, 18:40
You have already addressed your concerns in admitting that your mind is telling you "things will go wrong" - this is brain chemistry (anxiety) tricking you. It is important to remember not to believe all of your thoughts.

Take one step at a time - in fact you have already achieved some of the worse bits about going on holiday - you have organised and done your packing. Now, for the rest of the evening it is a 'normal' time, so do normal everyday things, have something to eat, watch TV, read a book. Tomorrow morning, perhaps just look upon the start of your day as "going out somewhere for the day that also involves a visit to the airport". Perhaps try to break down all elements of the journey into small parts and deal with each one at a time, rather than looking at the whole thing. Enjoy browsing the duty free shops etc.

Make sure you take something to keep you occupied on the flight - even if it is only some magazines or a crossword.

One moment at a time, and one day at a time.

While you are away, perhaps spend some time doing lots of relaxation exercises - after all you will have lots of time to relax. Take lots of warm baths, absolutely lather yourself with some wonderful bath oils and then body lotions. Spoil yourself.

Above all see your holiday as YOUR time - your worry-free time. When you return, you will have lots of time to worry about things.

Have a wonderful time. xx

31-03-16, 18:48
Thanks so much Sandie, what a thoughtful reply x

31-03-16, 22:33
You've already had an excellent reply from sandie and you might even be in bed by now seeing as you travel in the morning, but I wanted to contribute to this thread because I can relate so much to how you feel and I just want to help you in any way I can.

First and foremost, I believe you do want to go. If you didn't, you wouldn't be posting threads on here. Nor would you have done your packing. So, ask yourself, what do you really want. I bet you want to go. Oh, I'm sure anxiety would love it if you didn't go, but anxiety is all about bluffing you. You're being told that something awful will happen, but there's no evidence at all to suggest it will. My anxiety symptoms have been low lately, but this is one symptom I carry around all the time - the feeling that something awful will happen. It's so important not to be bluffed by it. Creating avoidance behaviours can only serve to make it worse. Now I would never suggest somebody run before they can walk, so if this trip really is too much, I'd understand if you didn't go. But is it really too much? Where would you rather feel all these feelings you have - at home or in Spain? If you're going to have them anyway, why not go?

I found myself in the exact same position when I went to Iceland. I thought I couldn't go. I thought I might never have another holiday again. And then I got the information and encouragement I needed and off I went. I won't lie to you, I felt horrible at times. But I felt great at others. It didn't cure me, but I had an amazing time even with anxiety. So can you. It's so important not to be bluffed into avoiding things. Some people's anxiety is so bad they can barely get out of bed, and I would never suggest those people hop on the next flight to Spain, although I still believe everybody has it in them to do what they want and to find recovery. But you don't sound like you're at that point.

Don't let anxiety's lies make your decisions for you. The more you allow yourself to feel anxiety, the less you'll fear it as you realise it can't harm you, but you have to allow yourself to feel it. And make sure you live your life. How will feel if you don't go? Will you feel you made the right decision? Or will it just add to your negative feelings?

And look at it this way - if something terrible does occur (it won't), it's not like you'll be in North Korea.

I truly believe you'll be fine. You might even feel that embarking on this trip while so anxious has a positive impact on your character. That's how I feel about Iceland. My dad, who had a period of anxiety and panic in the 1970s, couldn't believe I went. He was bedridden for a little while. The only difference between me and him was the information at our disposal. He didn't know what was happening to him, created avoidance behaviour, worried and stressed and got himself into that terrible loop. I'm not saying I feel great, but I understand my condition because the information is out there, and I'm dealing with it. If you really, truly want to go on this holiday, do it. And when anxiety howls at you, you can laugh at it because it's not winning this round.

Good luck and have a great time. As I've said to a few people on here since I signed up, I'm always open to receiving PMs if you want a chat.

01-04-16, 00:11
What a lovely reply also. Thanks so so much for your reply xx