View Full Version : Flu??

31-03-16, 20:10
Hi everyone,

This is my first post, so I hope it's ok! I get so anxious whenever something goes wrong with me and everyone looks at me like I'm crazy when I talk about my symptoms. It seems like you might be more helpful :)

I've come down with the flu again for the third time since January. I've gotten sick about 6 times since September with colds, flu, and a uti. The past three I've had fever, chills, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, sore throat, and a bit of congestion. I haven't been nauseous at all like I have with flus in other years. But I'm basically useless for a few days before I heal.

This time I also have a bit of an earache and I found these two weird small hard bumps on the ear bone behind my left ear.I also have this dull back pain and discomfort going on in my upper back as well as a headache and slight neck ache. This morning there was a bit of black stuff in my mucus when I blew my nose, I've never seen that before.

I know my freaking out makes it worse, and of course more exhausted. I'm just concerned because it's happened so much this year and I'm always worried I have an sti or mono some other kind of virus or infection (I could go on... ) but all the symptoms are so similar for everything and when I go to the doctor I sound like so paranoid and I never know what to say. I also can't stop googling symptoms.

I am in my last semester of university so I'm going a bit crazy with the stress and I know there are a lot of germs flying around. So it's most likely just the flu, right? Right?! I'm just concerned with the weird ear bone bumps and the fact that I've been sick so many times lately, even though I eat very healthily, exercise, and usually get enough sleep. Is it normal to pick up so many illnesses?! And what are those bumps? Aahh!

06-04-16, 16:24
Caracol, bumps behind the ears can be enlarged lymph nodes - they can occur in strep throat, for example. If you believe the bumps were not there before you can see a doctor to telly you are they enlarged nodes or not.