View Full Version : BP & amitryptline

31-03-16, 22:19
As im sure most of you remember i used to be addicted to taking my BP at home and got rid of my machine a year ago.

since then i have seperated with my husband of 7 years after he left for another woman after his heart attacks last summer and november, he left me at xmas

on returning to parents and going to Dr he did all the usual listening to chest etc etc and bp was 140/90 but i used to suffer white coat syndrome and he prescribed me diazapem for as and when needed, think ive taken not even 20 sincce 4th jan and also 25g aityiptline

move to last week and dad invested in a bp machine :( anyway he got me and mum to do it also,mums fine, me 200/110 and dad 136/80

anyway my paranoia got me there and then and ive been sneakingly using it all week. ranges been 150/80 b#at best but more often than not 180/85 - 216/115 :lac::lac:

i happened to start a new pack of amitryptline this evening and out of curiosity looked at the leaflet and it says high bp is a common side effect.

i have dr app next wed - earliest i could get and i made it last week luckily and im now in a dilemma of wether to stop them for 5 days or carry on until i see dr

has anyone else experienced a raised bp on tese tablets
