View Full Version : Squishy small lump at bottom of earlobe scare

01-04-16, 11:07
Hey guys,

I woke up this morning and to my horror found a small, squishy lump at the bottom of my left earlobe. It is about the size of a pinhead, slightly red, and pretty painless. I am obviously scared of it being a sign of cancer or swollen lymph nodes.

My sister has checked it, and she says it is just spot and it will be gone in a few days - but a few days can feel like a long time when you're worrying. I had the same small, lumpy thing at the front of my other ear a few weeks ago, and that went after a day or two, so can I presume this is just a spot?

I keep touching it, which I know I shouldn't do, but I can't help but worry. I never really knew if you could get spots there, but it does make sense I suppose.

Any info/ advice would be appreciated.

01-04-16, 14:30
You can get spots anywhere, inside your ears and up your nose:)

Its a spot, the more you touch it the more you will inflame it so the longer it will take to heal up and go away. You could try putting some antespetic on if you feel you need to do something but only mild stuff for cuts and grazes.