View Full Version : Feeling so bad today

01-04-16, 15:32
I've woke up this morning feeling awful.
I just feel like im zoning in on every little thing my body does and I can't stop once I start.
I really need someone to talk to today :(

01-04-16, 17:30
Sorry you feel so low.
I find with depression and anxiety, mornings are the worst time.
The evenings are much better, so I hope that's the case for you.

01-04-16, 18:17
Thanks for your reply!
Mornings are horrible, the days are okay, and then the nights are not so good. It's only been this bad recently, my cousin had a lymphoma scare not too long ago and since then my minds been in overdrive!
Fifth drs apt in a month today and the same responses, its anxiety, but I still cant settle!
& this globus thing is draining me, its consuming every thought and the more i think about it the more it happens!! xx

01-04-16, 18:48
It doesn't take much to get your mind going when you have anxiety.
I know globus very well. I had it often and it always scared me until I did a lot of research on it. Once I had the knowledge I had control! It couldn't scare me anymore. It happened less and less after that because each time I felt it, I would immediately think "ah, I know what this is, it can't hurt me and it'll go away!" And it did. And now I never have it at all.
Try it and see if it works for you. Our minds are strange and so powerful.

02-04-16, 15:50
Yeh, it literally takes a pimple on my arm and my whole day is ruined!
I'll have a little look online and see if it helps, It hasnt been so bad today, it only really seems to come on when I'm thinking about it! xx

02-04-16, 17:13
go have a beer, its the weekend!

02-04-16, 17:31
I know what you mean HA is a nightmare to control sometimes. Hope you are feeling better soon