View Full Version : Sore white patch on tonsil?

01-04-16, 18:55
I'm 17 weeks pregnant and despite my kids and husband all coming down with the flu a few weeks ago I did great and didn't catch it....until last Monday. I'm assuming I have a bad cold virus, no energy, very congested, sore throat, etc. As of today, five days later, I still feel rundown, my throat has stopped hurting but now I have one white sore patch on my tonsil. What gives?

Has anyone had this with a cold virus? I don't have a fever and before it's mentioned it's definitely not a tonsil stone (I get those too).

07-04-16, 11:15
White speckles on your tonsil is tonsillitis and you will feel like you have been run over by a bus . Did u go to doctor get an antibiotic

07-04-16, 20:26
I have tonsil stones that appear as single white spots on my tonsils. They are not usually painful but I can feel them. Sometimes they come out and I cough up little hard yellow lumps (gross I know!!)

07-04-16, 21:55
Yuk , I too have them and they are disgusting and smell horrid

07-04-16, 22:32
I have the same problem, it caused swallowing problems for me which started my panic attacks in the first place.