View Full Version : swollen lymph node - help?

01-04-16, 20:01
Hello everyone!

Quick recap: I'm a 20 year old female. Smoke/drug free, drink on occasion. I've had a painless swollen lymph node on the left side of my neck for about a month (I discovered it March 7th, but have no idea how long it's actually been there) and ongoing left-sided throat issues for over 2 years. I was supposed to go to the ENT when I discovered the node, but that fell through due to insurance reasons. I went to urgent care the same day, tested for strep (no symptoms and never suspected it) and was prescribed antibiotics. The NP at urgent care wasn't worried about the node because she figured it was due to the strep, but sent me a referral for an ultrasound to ease my mind. I had the ultrasound done a few weeks ago (March 16th), and the dimensions came out to be 1.8 x 1.6 x 1.0, I believe. The radiologist couldn't tell much so he suggested a CT scan, so naturally, I freaked.

I went to my PCP and had blood work. All came back normal, except something with my thyroid, but it didn't seem that "urgent" as I haven't had a follow up yet. I don't know what exactly it is, the receptionist who phoned me to tell me didn't really seem to know what she was talking about.

Anyway, due to insurance issues again, my insurance declined my CT scan, so my PCP suggested going to an endocrinologist and gave me a referral, but the closest one that accepts my insurance is far away, and it's hard to make time for that "soon".

The antibiotics (twice a day for 10 days) didn't really seem to do much and I haven't felt a noticeable difference with my throat or the lymph node. From what I can tell the node is located in between the left "sternocleidomastoid muscle", and my glands/throat bone (whatever thats called). I can only feel it when I stick my neck out funny, and it is not visible even when I feel it. So basically, the only reason I felt it to begin with was because I was looking for it. It's moveable, but doesn't feel "soft". It definitely hasn't gotten bigger, and sometimes I think it's gotten smaller but not by much (especially when I don't touch it for awhile), but if anything, it feels like it's stayed the same size.

I'm petrified of lymphoma because you always hear about that whenever you research a painless swollen lymph node. Whenever I'm itchy, I panic. Whenever I get hot, I panic. Whenever I'm tired after work, I panic.

Physically, I have felt completely fine otherwise, I'm constantly checking my temp throughout the day, and even when I'm "hot" I don't have a fever. I'm not as active as I'd like but overall I'm pretty healthy, I deal with year round allergies (sneezing, post-nasal drip), but I've hardly been sick over the past few years.

This whole ordeal has been dragged out for a month, and I can't ever find anything out quick, between my insurance and waiting for appointments or results. This is driving me crazy and I've been quite depressed. Suffering from GED as it is, you can imagine what that's been like also... It's become an obsession, sucking the happiness and any thought of a future out of me.

My question is, do you think this lymph node would stay pretty much the same size or gotten noticeably bigger after a month if it's something to seriously worry about - whether it's lymphoma, something related to my throat issues, or something else that is sinister? I am always reading conflicting things on the internet and I don't know what to think and I'm just so tired. I know I can't be diagnosed over the internet but I'm truly at my wits end and would love to hear anyones input, or anyones experience with what I'm going through...


01-04-16, 21:24
My node is smaller than yours, but I believe its in the same place.

Here is what I've heard about Lymphoma. Don't read if you might get triggered, but I believe what I'm writing is good news.

You're young, so the Lymphomas will most likely be aggressive. This doesn't sound like good news, but they are curable usually and you know when you have them. The common ones in our age group typically grow pretty fast. DLBCL's wikipedia page says "rapidly growing mass". So after a month, I assume you would see something.

Hodgkin's I'm a little unsure of. But at our age, I believe it typically starts in the chest. Don't freak out though... because it spreads evenly and consistently. It starts there and moves to armpits and clavicle before it gets to the neck. So I think its doubtful.

Blood tests are good. They say "Lymphoma doesn't show up in blood tests" and this is somewhat true, but somewhat not. They cannot diagnose Lymphoma. But eosinophils can be raised in Hodgkin's. Or you might have anemia.

Now you say that you take your temperature often... do you palpate the node often? Are you poking it? Squeezing it? Multiple doctors have told me to DEFINITELY not do that because it will never go away. I once had nodes in my neck swell from some type of sore throat. The act of swallowing food would cause the nodes to swell.

Also bonus answer... about the thyroid. The bloodwork for thyroid function is very common for women. Or anyone with anxiety. It usually just measures function. Its very common for that test to find that your thyroid is hyperactive or hypoactive. I know 10 people of the top of my head with one or the other. It is typically not anything to worry about. My results were a little out of whack.

Just keep in mind... Lymphoma is rare. All medical journals online say that there is a low prevalence of malignancy in regards to lymph nodes being swollen. Just remember that.

01-04-16, 22:03
I have three two on ones side of my neck and one on the other.. im also 20 years old so when i first felt them i panicked, ive seen three doctors about them and they all said they were fine, he even let me feel his on his neck and it was much bigger. I feel like they may never go and to be honest it might be just scar tissue.
With anxiety we like to be in control with everything, so we think feeling every lump bumps etc makes us in control of our bodies but in the end it just makes us feel worse.
All i would say is just except that they are there, understand it is a natural thing to have them and just keep an eye on them but dont let them take over your life

01-04-16, 22:09
I have three two on ones side of my neck and one on the other.. im also 20 years old so when i first felt them i panicked, ive seen three doctors about them and they all said they were fine, he even let me feel his on his neck and it was much bigger. I feel like they may never go and to be honest it might be just scar tissue.
With anxiety we like to be in control with everything, so we think feeling every lump bumps etc makes us in control of our bodies but in the end it just makes us feel worse.
All i would say is just except that they are there, understand it is a natural thing to have them and just keep an eye on them but dont let them take over your life

Where are they exactly on you and the doctor? Any towards the bottom of the neck on the side. That's where mine is. Its supposedly perfectly fine.

01-04-16, 22:14
Where are they exactly on you and the doctor? Any towards the bottom of the neck on the side. That's where mine is. Its supposedly perfectly fine.

The one on my right is just below the ear then the one on my left is at the side of the jaw and then i have one in the middle of the neck on the right side. Its hard to explain but if u search where the lymph nodes in neck are then you will know what i mean.
The doctor had the same as me and he said hes had it for years and it was like twice as big more like a kidney bean

01-04-16, 22:15
The doctors keep calling mine dinky.

I'm beginning to think that it might not even be enlarged. :shrug:

01-04-16, 22:21
The doctors keep calling mine dinky.

I'm beginning to think that it might not even be enlarged. :shrug:

Honestly they aren't if it was cancer or something it would be the size of a tennis ball

02-04-16, 01:58
Honestly they aren't if it was cancer or something it would be the size of a tennis ball

My problem is that cancer needs to start somewhere. What if this "dinky" node in my neck was the start of something.

Doctors don't seem to think that way, and maybe there's a reason for that.

02-04-16, 03:27
Hi, Annoyed and jj1995. First of all, thank you both so very much for your response. It has definitely helped ease my mind, though my mind can't help but think "what if". What if I'm that rarity.

I always jump to the absolute worst conclusions. Like Annoyed said, I am constantly thinking that cancer needs to start somewhere. Although this node isn't "huge", it certainly isn't "small", and just because it isn't the size of a golf ball, those golf ball sized lymph nodes HAD to start of small to begin with!!! It's like a lose-lose situation in my mind, and it's awful...

I definitely poke and prod, and I know I shouldn't. When I first felt it, I just couldn't stop. I was trying to figure out if it was soft, hard, or whatever "rubbery" means, trying to see if it moved and how moveable it was, and to see if it's gotten any bigger. Lately, I haven't really touched it, maybe once or twice a day - but just pressing against it to keep an eye on it's progression. Then suddenly, when I think it's gone down, I'll have to touch and touch and touch until I convince myself it hasn't gone down. I obsessively check for lumps everywhere now.

I know I sound completely nuts, but especially since my insurance completely sucks, I feel hopeless, and that just triggers the worst thoughts.

The left side of my throat (tonsil-isa area) is usually always aggravated and hurts more at night (same side as the swollen node). I noticed symptoms of this over two years ago and it's gotten more bothersome since. I've read that follicular lymphoma can start in the tonsils and I'm just terrified that this could explain my pain/discomfort for so long, and has now progressed to this poor little node. Ugh... it never ends :weep:

---------- Post added at 22:27 ---------- Previous post was at 22:05 ----------

In my original post, I never mentioned that the node was measure in CM...

1.8 x 1.6 x 1.0 cm...

In high school, I knew this poor girl who died at 15 from lymphoma... sadly, this is all I can think about

02-04-16, 03:35
Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

I'm a H&N cancer survivor. The node(s) that turned out to be cancerous grew... fast! From an almond size to over 5cm in a few months. Poking and prodding will aggravate and cause a node to swell or stay the same. The fact that it reduces in size when you refrain from poking and prodding backs up my initial statement.

Positive thoughts

02-04-16, 16:12
Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

I'm a H&N cancer survivor. The node(s) that turned out to be cancerous grew... fast! From an almond size to over 5cm in a few months. Poking and prodding will aggravate and cause a node to swell or stay the same. The fact that it reduces in size when you refrain from poking and prodding backs up my initial statement.

Positive thoughts

I am siding with Fishmanpa on the growth though. It makes sense that once the Lymphoma gets into a node, it grows quite fast. Perhaps even faster than Fishmanpa's cancerous node because of the different types of cancer.

A hematologic cancer can grow extremely fast. Blood cells are made to reproduce. So I imagine they just get into a cell and just go crazy with growth.

Burkitt's Lymphoma, which is something we both definitely don't have has a tumor doubling time of less than 2 days. Your node would grow approximately twice the size than it was every two days.

Its the worst case scenario in terms of growth, but it is really fast compared to solid tumors. I feel like we would have seen growth.