View Full Version : Health anxiety - triggered by tests

01-04-16, 20:39
Hi, My husband sent me to this site in an effort to alleviate some of my fears and anxiety.
Here is the short version ...
About 18 months ago I began to get pulsatile tinnitus in my left ear. Being the person I was then, I ignored it for about 6 months as I don't have time for the doctors - two kids (the youngest is disabled), I run my own business and was in the final year of a literature degree. Anyhow, the doctor (who seemed quite young and not very experienced) told me he thought I had an aneurysm and sent me for various scans. The first scan came back normal but then I was called back for further scans, suggested an angiogram, seen lots of consultants (neurologist, ENT, Spinal surgeon) now plus had a spine scan which revealed a slipped disc in my neck. I then started to get other symptoms - headaches, sinus pain, flickering vision, strange dryness in left eye. I also have twitches, cramps and joint pain. The consultants insist that there are no abnormalities in the brain except for a couple of abnormal blood vessels which are most likely 'incidental' and would certainly not cause these new symptoms. I have since convinced myself that I have all sorts of degenerate neurological conditions, tumours, stroke, even though the consultants have assured me that I don't have anything like that.
I have spent a fortune on private healthcare and had many tests - one flagged up something dodgy with my adrenal glands but a further test revealed all was ok. At the end of all of this, I have been told that having looked at the extensive tests and scans, aside from my slipped disc, I am in pretty good shape and that the majority of my symptoms are most likely caused by anxiety and stress. I have addressed diet, walk for an hour every day, have acupuncture for the headaches etc. However, I feel awful. My fears just escalate, I've had days where I can't work and given that I am self employed, this only perpetuates the worry. I am so fed up! I want my life back! My anxiety is ruining everything at the minute and I don't know what to do about it. Before the doctor suggested the aneurysm, I was relatively well, physically and emotionally. Apart from a bout of PND after the birth of my first child, I have always been pretty rational. I'm just here for some support and advice really. Has anyone had anything similar? How do you manage such worries? Every time a consultant reassures me I am okay for a week and then I go downhill again. Sorry for the long post!

01-04-16, 20:45
Hiya Ra01 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

01-04-16, 21:47
Thank you!:)