View Full Version : Unable to swallow or breathe

02-04-16, 00:14
Does anybody get this I'm not quite sure if it's a anxious symtoms .
I will be sat stood or whatever normal and rare but very randomly I will get a feeling asif I've forgotten how to swallow I also can't breathe it lasts seconds but Feels like forever.
I also get a similar thing where I can't breathe or swallow properly and at same time I can feel back my throat like contracting / kinda gag feeling without gagging and I just can't breathe while this happens. No matter how hard I try this lasts a bit longer it all started when my grandad was dieing and got worse when he died that was just over a year ago it all calmed down and only happened maybe once a month if that but now it's happening alot again anyone have insight ?

02-04-16, 09:47
Sounds like a panic attack to me. When I get panic attacks it feels like I need to run away and it feels like I'm gonna choke and can't breathe.

02-04-16, 17:52
I thought panic attacks but can last for ages just feels like I'm gagging sometimes asif I'm taking like 100 little breaths and I can't take any big breaths if I manage too feels like I'm taking empty breaths it can happen so randomly like ill be talking at a BBq or something happy as and then that happens :( I've suffered panic all my life but panic attacks seem to have gone for now from what they used to be so it don't make sense

04-04-16, 23:53
Sounds like anxiety to me. I take sips of water to "prove" to myself that I can swallow. I also start randomly singing, as another way of "proving" to myself. Distraction is a big help too. Spark up conversation with someone, or quickly log onto chat. It really does help x