View Full Version : Thigh lump, thinking the worst

02-04-16, 03:37
So I posted a few weeks ago about a lump in my leg. Well the lump is bigger, and can be easily seen unlike before. Also the back of my thigh has this strange lump that feels like a swollen line. It's so upsetting because my doctor told me if it still bothers me to come back in a few months. Which I just can't stand. My family keeps commenting on it, it's burning like a blistering rash but there is nothing there. Just clear skin. I'm beyond terrified that this could be "C".

I'm trying so hard not to think the worst, but that is so hard to do when it feels like my left leg got road burn and this lump keeps getting bigger. I don't know what I'm asking but does anyone have any rational idea of what this could be? Or what I should do next? My insurance company told me I'm not allowed to switch doctors till August.