View Full Version : Really Struggling

02-04-16, 08:53
I don't know where to start, I feel like I am falling apart and have terrible illness. Got sinusitis in December and then colds on and off, which disappeared in the beginning of March. Went to the doctors as my anxiety and depression was bad and he upped my flouxertine to 40mgs. But I feel still so bad since having the colds etc my arms and legs have been aching everyday it is like I have run a marathon! My period is now 7 days late as well and I have had some other lady issues (post in female section).

I am taking vitamins for about a week as well but nothing seems to work, just feel so crappy and down.

I have another doctors apt but not until the 13th April.

I know the worrying is not helping me but I just want to be able to wake up and not be in pain and be happy.

I am 46 and feel like 86!

02-04-16, 18:59
I just wanted to reply and let you know that you're very much not alone in feeling this. I'm 25 but also feel about 80. For some time now I've felt like I'm falling apart, physically as well as mentally. I feel as though every day is a struggle, I'm always hanging on, never relaxing, always worrying. If I am able to relax for 5 minutes, a new and terrifying symptom will appear inexplicably.

Stress can both mess with your immune system causing multiple colds and can also delay your period (I've experienced this several times).

Do you exercise? I've found this a big help.

02-04-16, 19:26
Hi, thank you for your reply I really appreciate it. I don't exercise was thinking of going for a walk but the pain and aches in my body put me off. Though I think I will try it tomorrow. I have been very stressed lately as well.

02-04-16, 19:59
I always say put a 1 in front of my age and thats how old I feel!

Its a double whammy as you have genuine health condition that will make you feel like xxx and can take time to get over but then worrying about this will add on another whole host of extra physical symptoms.

Vitamins are not a quick cure all they take many months to help the body but its good that you are trying to help your body recover.

All drugs cause side effects as well so the anti'd may be contributing to your physical symptoms as well. My husband takes fluoxetine but when he once tried to increase his dose he could not control his diabetes so had to go back down again.

02-04-16, 20:23
Know what you mean about putting a 1 in front of age! I always want a quick fix and because of the health anxiety any symptom is a dreaded illness.

I'm wondering if the stressful period I have gone through has effected my periods as well.

02-04-16, 21:31
Most probably. Have you lost any weight as well as this can also cause hormonal havoc as can suddenly putting on weight as well.

When I was younger! my GP said that if I suddenly missed a period then first thing do a pregnancy test even if you don't think you can be pregnant because a positive test when you cannot possibly be pregnant tells them what they need to know. Then if you miss 2 periods he wanted to know so they could look into causes. Sounded sensible.
This happened to me when i was on a diet and I lost 2 stones in 3 months - periods stopped for 2 cycles. Cue panic in me! Started again when the weight loss slowed down.

03-04-16, 10:04
Hi, no I not lost any weight. Though I should as I am very overweight! Going to try and a get a doctors apt tomorrow though as I can't go in like this. Thank you for your replies :-)