View Full Version : Lower back, leg and groin pain and bloodin urine help

02-04-16, 09:00
Hi, I am new to all this and am a bit worried.

I had a miscarriage at 12 weeks which ended in surgery, since then I have had so many health niggles and tests it has turned me into an anxious wreck when I was a healthy 30 something.

In Dec I started having sciatic pain in lower back and legs it came on one night and settled after a couple of days, it reappeared in jan and has started to radiate to my groin.

The pain wakes me up in the night and is at times better than others, my leg feels sore and sometimes weaker than the other it is a strange tingling type pain and doesn't really get worse with movement which is why I don't think it's a bad back.

I have had loads of tests and scans bloods ok, Ultra sound on pelvis and abdomen all ok so no kidney, gallbladder, bladder or reproductive issues. The only thing that has shown up is blood in my urine since Jan and my bowels have been playing up but think this is due to stress. I am also due to have wisdom tooth removed in acouple of weeks but don't think this has anything to do with it.
I am due to have a follow up with gp on thur and I am rubbish at getting my point across any ideas what it could be and how I can approach this I want to get sorted ASAP as I don't want to try to conceive until I know I am ok but it has been 7 months since miscarriage and my 5 yr old desperately wants a sibling
Thank you in advance

03-04-16, 12:04
Sorry for your loss Lolly. It does sound like something provoked by your surgery. Adhesions, for example, wouldn't show up on scans, but could cause the problems you are experiencing. Might be worth you mentioning this (if you haven't already) to your gynae. Also, Google "piriformis syndrome" (not scary!) and see if that fits in with your symptoms. If you have had blood in your urine since January and infection has been ruled out, you could ask your GP to refer you for a cystoscopy, where they put a tiny camera into your bladder to look for inflammation. It is horrible to be in pain all the time and I do hope you feel better soon.

03-04-16, 18:45
Thank you, I will be asking for a referal on Thursday when I go to GP'S and see what they say have had a good couple of nights sleep and thought that it was easing but pain started again trying nor to Google.

03-04-16, 22:55
Yes, Google will lead to a million things not relevant to you! However, don't let the doctors fob you off or tell you it's 'normal' or all in your head. Often women with gynae issues have to really push to be taken seriously when tests have ruled out obvious causes. Even if it is something simple (to doctors) causing your pain, like a trapped nerve, you still deserve appropriate treatment and not be left in pain (I speak as someone who's suffered from sciatica for 20 years, and someone who had substantial pain for a year after giving birth to two of my children). Good luck at the docs:)