View Full Version : Struggling this week with symptoms - On mirtazapine and withdrawing from citalopram

02-04-16, 15:13
Hi everyone, hope it's okay to post this here too as well as the introductions page. I'd just like to get some advice and support as seeing my GPs is like fighting a losing battle.

I've been on mirtazapine for nearly 2 months now and at the beginning it was great - had loads of energy but was coming of citalopram and didn't come off slowly enough. Doctor said it would be fine but he was talking rubbish. I had nearly a week off work 2 weeks after coming off the citalopram and it got marginally better. I struggled last week a little and last weekend I thought I was turning a corner but from this Tuesday onwards I've been feeling really groggy, crying spells that last for seconds, very on edge and agitated. My mind wants to do things and feels hyper but my body is really weak and I can't concentrate. I'm really groggy and on edge, clenching my teeth and hands. Also feel a little like I'm having palpitations. I've never been this bad before when I wasn't taking anything. Plus I've had tinnitus ever since coming of the citalopram.

My question is, is this normal after 8 weeks of 15mg mirtazapine and 6 weeks off citalopram 10mg?

I also got hot and cold flushes this week, like when you have a cold. That was the same when I came off the citalopram last year and wasn't taking anything. I feel as though what I'm suffering with is still citalopram withdrawal on top on the mirtazapine which is making me anxious. I just want it to go back to the way it was when I started taking it. Had loads of energy and felt great.

Please can someone put my mind at ease and tell me it'll get better!

Thanks ever so much

02-04-16, 21:31
Hi Dan, I don't think anything is 'normal' with anxiety and depression!

I've been up and down with a few medication failures. This time three weeks on Mirtazapine and was seeing a light at the end of the tunnel then BAM, full force anxiety for the past 4 days. Apparently this can happen as your body adjusts? I'm sure hoping this passes for me as its was the best I've felt for ages!