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View Full Version : One fear to another

02-04-16, 21:59
I have now found a spot like an ulcer in an area under my tongue and am worried about mouth cancer as it is painless and has been there for quite a while. I get a lot of ulcers maybe one a month but this spot has not gone and usually the painful ones go quickly but this spot has been there for a long time which has me worried. I am 19 and dont smoke and or drink regularly meaning that i dont have a big risk but am still worried (i say regularly as i have tried alcohol and not liked it). The bump is also only the size of about a pen top or a tiny bit larger if that is relevant

02-04-16, 22:04
Given your age and risk factor level, the chances of it being mouth cancer are infinitesimally small.

02-04-16, 23:07
Also the ulcer/bump is white which worried me however it has not grown in like a year so i guess that is a good sign and is only the size of the end of a pen

02-04-16, 23:25
cancerous tumors grow. im no doctor, but if it hasn't grown at all in a year's time, I'd say its not cancer.

03-04-16, 02:21
Now looking at it and moving it round it seems like more of a skin tag as it is like a rounded blade of grass (couldnt think of any other comparison). If anyone has any info on this please please please post it.

03-04-16, 23:09
I have a strange skin tag in my mouth that hasn't grown or anything, soft and moves around. Doc doesn't seem fussed. Some days it gets tiny bit bigger and j catch it on teeth but I use corsodyl and it goes down. Really no clue what it is but doctor shrug it off as part of my mouth asymmetrical .

03-04-16, 23:35
Thanks for the advice guys I am going to see if it stays the same and if it changes I will go to the doctor.

04-04-16, 11:27
I had a huge tongue mouth ulcer about 2 years ago and I get them a lot usually but this was about the size of a 5p coin which is big for an ulcer and it was agony and one day it stopped hurting but never healed and I was about your age at the time and didn't smoke and rarely drank and all I could think was it was mouth cancer too. I tried all the creams, used all the mouthwashes but nothing would make it budge so after a month I finally went to the doc and expected to hear the worst but she didn't seem too worried and thought maybe my teeth had caused it since it was on the side of my tongue and told me to come back in a fortnight if it wasn't gone and that calmed me down and within 2 days of me calming down to decent level, it pretty much totally vanished. Stress keeps you ill, it runs you down and doesn't give you a chance to heal, especially if it stops you from sleeping.

Elizabeth Fry
30-04-16, 20:13
Red spot on my tongue, worried. Going from one thing to another.