View Full Version : cheek Biters!!

02-04-16, 23:38
Just curious how many people here bite their lip or cheeks. I have been doing it for what seems like forever. It drives me totally bonkers. I can't stop! I've tried gums and just trying to ignore the urge to do it. Most of the time I don't even realize I'm doing it until my husband tells me to stop. Anyone do this and manage to stop?

03-04-16, 02:34
I've been doing it since I was a kid! I have always been a very nervous and anxious person, even as a child. I don't know if I'll ever be able to stop doing it!

03-04-16, 02:40
I have also done this since I was a kid, totally unconscious as well. I usually notice I'm doing it, when I look at my daughter who also does it in response to anxiety. When I was having jaw pain, the physical therapist said that it could be because of cheek biting and teeth clenching. So she taught me some relaxation techniques and facial massage techniques to help with it.

03-04-16, 06:58
Not cheek biting but I have skin picked since childhood, long before my anxiety started but it didn't cause me any anxiety back then.

At times of high adrenaline in my blips I feel the urge to bite myself (hands and arms usually) or claw things. Bare in mind this is since my OCD developed, it was never an issue with only the GAD and I put a lot of my OCD, if not all, to a medication.

03-04-16, 19:24
It's hard to stop! The skin is so torn up its hard to ignore it. Terry I had a friend in high school that used to pinch her chest and neck a lot. Was usually covered in tiny marks and bruises. It's hard to stop doing something that is always with you. Quitting smoking or drinking is "easier" because you can avoid having cigs around you. My cheeks and teeth are always there!

03-04-16, 23:22
Yep, I do.... it really frustrates me too.

I am a fast eater, and I am constantly biting down on my inner cheek by accident, and ouch, does it hurt like hell!

I also do it during sleep, especially when I am just at the point of dozing off. I suddenly bite down and onto my upside cheek. I have no idea why it happens, it just happens!

It is one of those anxiety habits that I would love to get rid of, as I know that as soon as that cheek is bitten, it will turn into a mouth ulcer which is sooo painful, and takes me ages to get rid of.

I also chew my lips and bite the skin on them....urggh. Nightmare. Another things is clenching my teeth.....oh the joys of anxiety.:wacko: