View Full Version : Bouncy feeling on floor when i walk help

03-04-16, 08:06
Ive been suffering symptoms such as
Severe headaches
Severe dizziness
Pulsatile Tinnitus
Foggy feeling
Off balance
Heart palputations
Tiredness etc for around 4.5 years

Ive been to the doctors and hospital so many times and have been given different reasons such as migraine and labyrinthitus.

Im currently going through so much stress, ive never been so worried and have recently just had my first panic attack. Anyway, last night whilst shopping, the floor became what i can only describe as bouncy and soft when i walk! It was terrifying.

Ive never experienced this before? Im laying in bed now too petrified to get up incase its still there. I came straight home and went to bed as soon as it happened.

03-04-16, 10:01
I have that feeling sometimes too and it freaks me out but I have to remind myself it's the anxiety. I also have most of what you have listed and many more physical symptoms that are all most likely anxiety. It's a complex illness and can be alarming how it manifests in the body.

I'm not doing so great right now so not in much of a position to give advice but try not to focus on the feelings - hard I know! I do find if I am focused on something else those off balance, wobbly legs, spongy ground feelings get less.

03-04-16, 10:08
I too have been having that same feeling. Walking I feeling like the floor is uneven or I'm bouncing. Sometimes I feel like one leg is shorter than the other. Hope its nothing crazy.

03-04-16, 11:23
Is it deffo anxiety related? I hope so and nothing more serious

04-04-16, 11:19
I have had this for years and was always told it was a symptom of anxiety and possibly vertigo. Nothing serious though it feels horrible and it has actually made me dip to the ground before because I seriously felt like the floor was moving. I have meineres disease as well so I suffer from it quite a lot but it still freaks me out a bit.