View Full Version : Breathlessness, sighing - Could this be IBS?

03-04-16, 12:04
Sitting here trying my best to stay away from Googling my symptoms and could do with a bit of support before I cave in and call the emergency Dr on a Sunday.

Has anyone ever had breathlessless, sighing, mild light headedness that's related to IBS?

I've been burping a bit the last couple of days (I think I can pinpoint the meal that caused it) and seem to be having an episode of IBS. I've also lost my appetite, but this happens if I'm burping quite a bit or have digestive problems.

The breathlessness, sighing and lightheadnedness all started yesterday, the same time as the IBS/burping symptoms. I know that my heart rate goes up at times in the day but then I think that's just me getting anxious and thinking it's something more, like a heart problem or lungs or something. I have had leg and knee pain over the last few weeks, the Dr ruled out DVT and said it was more likely nerve pain. It is getting better. I'm going to the hospital to see a specialist but in a couple of months. I also have a very mild cough that I've had for a month or so (going to ring Drs tomorrow just to get that checked out but I often get that this time of year when the spring air changes).

Does this sound like it's related to IBS to you? I have managed to get my anxiety pretty much under control the last few years but for some reason it's returned with a vengeance this week. I Googled leg pain and cough and convinced myself the other evening I was having a pulmonary embolism :huh:

I still feel a bit anxious because of the sighing and the feeling like I sometimes can't get breath. Does it sound like it might be related to the digestive problems? I'm taking some kind of relief in that the burping and breathless/sighs/slight lightheadedness came on together.

Any help/advice/reassurance would be so helpful, thanks so much.

07-04-16, 23:33
I've had this exact problem. I was constantly worried that something was wrong with my breathing, because it always felt labored. In time, I connected it to my digestive issues that I was having. Mine was caused by a cold turkey withdrawal off of Effexor XR, but I had all of the same symptoms that you did. It eventually went away and figured itself out, without any dietary changes.