View Full Version : Periods.

03-04-16, 12:39
I am 46 and the last 6 -8 months my periods have been erratic. I can miss one and then have my next one for 2 weeks solid and then the next one maybe a couple of spots for a day and then that's it until the next month. I mentioned it to my GP and she didn't seem concerned and said if it continues to have a blood test to check my thyroid. I am starting to worry now because i sometimes get a stabbing pain in my left ovary area and the other month my left boob was tender and i was getting stabbing pains in it. My GP says i am in the age range for erratic periods but you know what HA is like i am imagining all sorts.

03-04-16, 13:46
Hi, I am 46 too and my periods have started to go weird, so far I am 8 days late. I was wondering if I could be starting perimenopause. I am hopefully going to get a doctors apt tomorrow. Could you go back to the doctor and ask them to check your hormone levels?
Take care X

03-04-16, 21:52
The joys of peri menopause which is the lead up to post menopause ( periods have stopped for a year). I was 45 when peri meno hit me big time and my first ever symptom was after always being regular to within a day my period was 6 weeks late and then it was horrendous and lasted 2 weeks.

My other symptoms were unbelievable breast pain lasting 2 weeks at a time whereas before it had only lasted for a few days and only occasional cycles.

I had always had ovulation pain but in peri meno this pain was a huge amount worse and started a few days after my bleeding stopped and continued for weeks.

So what you are saying is very normal for perimenopause but as your Dr has said it worth checking bloods in case its something else.

I could not accept that this was normal for the lead up to post menopause but now 10 years later and 4 yrs post meno I can say with certainty it is normal.