View Full Version : weird feeling in left eye/ear

03-04-16, 15:01
So for the past couple of days I've had this strange feeling in both my eye and ear. I find it hard to describe but here it goes.
ear: it's like it's simply full. I can hear everything i can with my right ear but it just feels like the sound itself is duller or to be more precise deeper.
eye: For a week or so I've had this feeling of both of my eyes being made out of something heavy they would randomly get tired and suddenly be ok again a couple hours later. No this has somewhat passed but i still feel like there is something behind my left eye. Not even the eye itself it's more like the skin around the eye just feels strange. I would describe it as numb but i still feel the same thing as on my right side.
Now I'm mostly typing this, because of 2 things.
1. my perplexing fear of it being a brain tumor
2. it just feels bad/it makes me anxious that one half of my face is feeling differently.
When I Wake up, i don't tend to feel anything strange (or just a bit of it) but it builds up over the day.
Other than that I have no symptoms that could actually indicate a brain tumor.
Do you guys think this could also be caused by anxiety or something like that?