View Full Version : sore knees and elbows really worried

06-03-07, 07:35

I have suffered with anxiety on and off over the last 10 years. But I am having a really difficult time at the moment.

I fell down the stairs 5 months ago and have hurt my coccyx and I cant sit down without pain in my buttocks which is horrendous and has affected my whole life, Mum of 2 I have almost lost my job because I cannot sit and I am at the end of the line.

What is worrying me is it isnt going to go and I am going to be in pain for the rest of my life. What has really worried me is that my elbows and knees are hurting it started about a month into falling down the stairs lasted for two months and came back 2 weeks ago.

I think it may be anxiety as it happened before when I panicked after hurting my wrist.

It just seems so much on top of everything else - has anyone else experienced joint pain with being anxious. I cry almost every night because the coccyx isnt getting better. I have worked myself up so much. I just dont know how to calm down and i am worrying about the joints now.

What is strange is that when they are sore and I rub them bits of them go red. Do you think it is the adrenalin or lactic acid????????????

my anxiety about these problems is out of control

06-03-07, 08:07
Hi raphael, sorry to hear you are having a tough time.

I too have suffered a chronic pain issue over almost the last 12 months, I certainly know how it can suck the life out of you.

There are certain types of tissue in the body which don't repair well or quickly, I'm sure you will get there, but the body does take time in repairing itself.

I would say go to the GP over your pain. Get your pain relief changed, discuss the issue of your coccyx and also mention the pain in your other joints. I'm sure he/she may give you a blood test for arthritis. If this is clear, then perhaps you can better deal with it as an anxiety symptom.

Take Care,

06-03-07, 08:20
Thank u Russ

I have had blood tests and they have come back negative. doc thinks it is anxiety. I am visiting pain clinic friday for coccyx.

The sore knees and elbows are just another thing to make me worry. It is a possibility that it is anxiety. In a way I hope it is cos it means with relaxation it will go