View Full Version : I'm so sorry but I'm so worried...

03-04-16, 18:30
I'm sorry. Constant posting again.

Since melanoma is my new fear I'm checking all my freckles. Most are flat, in fact majority. I have a dark small one on thigh and one on side boob that I'm worryong about. Side boob is more of a splotch of brown with two dark freckles inside it. I'm sick with worry (again) that this is melanoma. I had some on wrist which worried me a few months back that I'm no longer worrying about. Googling melanoma is how ive spent most of my day today. Moments I'm feeling ok and others I'm convinced

Dark hair and eyes with pale skin. Mom, dad, sisters have same skin type. I wish I could upload a photo. I'm supposed to moving in with my boyfriend soon and I'm wortied I'll have skin cancer and won't make it........

---------- Post added at 17:14 ---------- Previous post was at 17:03 ----------

They are symmetrical. Just never really paid attention before so don't know if changed.

---------- Post added at 18:30 ---------- Previous post was at 17:14 ----------

Measured and it's sort of 0.2 for one if not bit smaller and 0.25 for another.

03-04-16, 18:54
You seem very worked up again :hugs:
What answer is it you're looking for? Take a moment, breathe, and ask yourself what it is you want from this? I have done the same before numerous times(albeit not as much) but i can relate, there's no foundation for your worry it is all irrational keep telling yourself that, it's not easy but 100% effort is needed by you as nobody else is going to ultimately overcome this for you x

03-04-16, 18:58
I am very worked up!

---------- Post added at 18:58 ---------- Previous post was at 18:55 ----------

I'm literally sat measuring it on my boyfriends floor. I am literally looking for a change and something to worry about since sinus cleared up. Ive never even checked this freckle before as bra covers it. Side boob type thing. More of a solid he. Taking a photo it looks normal just the dark fleck inside but I have so many like this for years and years and don't get much sun.

03-04-16, 19:17
I'm covered in freckles all different shapes and sizes honestly, i went a few years ago because a new one developed on my back and it was quite big, nothing to worry about x

---------- Post added at 19:17 ---------- Previous post was at 19:14 ----------

Obviously if you have a genuine concern, not anxiety, as in one or more or changing and or bleeding then do see your GP. But as you said this has no foundation you're just allowing your anxiety to run a mock x

03-04-16, 19:27
I thinm its the Google and saying most are round and size of pinhead but mine vary! I really don't want this to become a new thing. Do you have any dark freckle moles? The side boob one is a worry because I can't quite measure it.

---------- Post added at 19:27 ---------- Previous post was at 19:20 ----------

I look at the photos of taken and it looks normal! But it's the size.

And the thigh one. I'm currently going through worry about both. As said no obvious change just a check.

03-04-16, 19:35
Yeah some are quite dark and raised others are light and blotchy, i have all different sizes x

03-04-16, 19:40
Blotchy as in two shades? Any ones that are 6mm? Sorry. I hate this. Roll on 2 months.

03-04-16, 19:46
Try and do an on line cbt course, I posted a link on one of your earlier threads I think

03-04-16, 19:48
I appreciate all your help. It's literally one thing after another.

03-04-16, 19:54
no hun its exactly the same thing, your anxiety is just choosing different things to obsess over.

03-04-16, 20:18
It's the size I think. Ah, worrying!

---------- Post added at 20:18 ---------- Previous post was at 20:15 ----------

And yes you Are right. Ive gone looking for this.

03-04-16, 20:41
I have a jet black mole. It is small but black black. It is not melanoma.

I also have a small splodge with another mole in it, or a dot. It's not melanoma either.

Melanoma is fast. If it grows and it will grow quickly you need to worry, if the skin around it is bleeding into the skin and it is crusty and bleeding you need to worry.

You are waiting for CBT, there is one single thing you can do all on your own to help and that is stop googling.

03-04-16, 20:50
I haven't had a bout of googling this bad in ages! I keep checking the Side boob one and fact I can't see it properly bugs me. My chap has looked and said it looks normal. He has similar one on his shoulder and a bigger one on atm that he's always had.

I have that fear of going doctors and they're likenyes it's melanoma....

Catherine S
03-04-16, 20:53
Reb, besides this thread, ive noticed that you've also revived an old thread from April 2014 about the same thing and added your fears to it...I had even commented on that thread myself back then because having celtic-irish in my blood, I am covered in freckles and moles. Quite a few others also posted on it too, yet no positive replies on it has comforted you. It seems that no matter how much we try to help you, it's not working. ..at least not yet. Hopefully one day it will all click into place for you, and has been said many times to you. ..Please stop googling.


03-04-16, 21:04
Sorry cath, I appreciate your help and I'm letting self down with this obssesove googling. I'm now even worryong about a pin prick pimple next to said side boob freckle and worroed it's start of modular melanoma ...:mad::doh::lac:

---------- Post added at 21:04 ---------- Previous post was at 21:04 ----------

*auto correct is taking a night off haha.

12-04-16, 09:07
I'm sorry. Constant posting again.

Since melanoma is my new fear I'm checking all my freckles. Most are flat, in fact majority. I have a dark small one on thigh and one on side boob that I'm worryong about. Side boob is more of a splotch of brown with two dark freckles inside it. I'm sick with worry (again) that this is melanoma. I had some on wrist which worried me a few months back that I'm no longer worrying about. Googling melanoma is how ive spent most of my day today. Moments I'm feeling ok and others I'm convinced

Dark hair and eyes with pale skin. Mom, dad, sisters have same skin type. I wish I could upload a photo. I'm supposed to moving in with my boyfriend soon and I'm wortied I'll have skin cancer and won't make it........

---------- Post added at 17:14 ---------- Previous post was at 17:03 ----------

They are symmetrical. Just never really paid attention before so don't know if changed.

---------- Post added at 18:30 ---------- Previous post was at 17:14 ----------

Measured and it's sort of 0.2 for one if not bit smaller and 0.25 for another.

Googling melanoma is the absolute worst possible thing that someone like you can do. I've done the melanoma thing, and I've done this too. There are dozens of galleries of dramatic piccs of things you or I are not trained to interpret or recognise. There are things that look like they're likely to be fatal before the clock chimes twelve and which are completely innocent, and things that look absolutely innocent and are not. Googling will only drive you into a frenzy of worry. Melanoma is still relatively rare ... my dermatolgist said last time that it accounts for only about 4% of skin cancers. I'm always having odd-looking things taken off surgically (because the dermatologist says it's best to do that because I have the same colouring as you), having them biopsied and declared harmless. Have yours off if you like - and the relief you will feel when you get the result and it says 'no evidence of melanoma' will be worth the anxiety of the wait. Best wishes