View Full Version : Can this really be all down to anxiety?

03-04-16, 18:01
I just dont seem to be getting rid of any of these symptoms.

Stomach bloating
pain in ribs
lump in throat
hot skin (normal temperature when taken by myself & dr)
pain in upper back
sometimes i get a slight pulling pain in my groin
ive also had a swollen lymph node for a few days

i just cant find the motivation to even get out of bed, even though im not tired, i infact need medication to sleep.

i have kinda convinced myself of the worst and no matter what, the thought wont go away.

ive had a few drs apts and a lot of telephone consultations and the dr doesnt seem concerned at all.
ive had 2 stomach examinations and both drs said no abnormalities that they can feel.
ive lost no weight, infact ive put on 1lb.

I keep trying to reasure myself but it wont work :(
anyone have similar symptoms?
would be less worrying if someone was feeling the same way. xxxx

03-04-16, 18:10
I think you know what the deal is but your anxiety keeps lying to you. Every one of those symptoms, especially in light of clear medical exams, indicate physical symptoms associated with stress and anxiety.

If medical science can't find the reason, then a mental health professional would be the next step. Treat the root of the symptoms (anxiety) and you treat the symptoms themselves. Also, concerning your stomach issues, keeping a food diary and modifying your diet to help avoid triggering foods would be prudent.

Positive thoughts

03-04-16, 18:16
Thanks for the reply,
Yeh it's annoying, at the back of my mind I can give reasons for all the symptoms but that just doesnt seem enough.
The stomach issues are whats bothering me most, ive been taking zantac but it doesnt seem to ease it at all.
My diet is all over the place with me loosing my appetite (down to anxiety, I know this because it comes and goes) so that is most probably the cause.
I just keep thinking 'what if' ... 'but' ...
I think I need to be more clued up on things before I can judge!

03-04-16, 18:42
Yeah... serious issues don't typically come and go.

Positive thoughts

03-04-16, 21:50
Sounds like you're hyperaware. That's anxiety. And some depression mixed in. If doctors aren't concerned... you shouldn't be.

In line with what Fish said... and Oncologist I saw said, "Bad stuff does not get better."

I think he would be super knowledgeable in bad stuff.

03-04-16, 21:55

I'm very hyper aware too, it's amazing how i notice and how i am sensitive to every little sensation and magnify it. Out of your list i have the below issue's on and off, if i were to write a list of all of my anxiety symptoms, well it would be ridiculously long and if looked into them enough i would be able to diagnose myself with a million different illnesses except anxiety.

Stomach bloating
pain in ribs
pain in upper back

03-04-16, 22:46
'What if's?' are rampant with anxiety. I wish I had a pound for every one I had had during my years with anxiety and depression. They stem from an overly anxious mind and as Annoyed said, being hyperaware and your nervous system on overdrive.

I have had all of your symptoms so many times over, and every time I self-diagnose and go through the same fear it is something bad. You would think I would have learned by now, but no such luck.

Yes, anxiety really CAN cause all of your physical symptoms. It is incredible just how the mind and body affect one another. At the moment I am dealing with the lump in throat thing myself and pain in my upper chest/belching which I guess is acid reflux due to....yep, anxiety. It sucks, I know.

How to tackle these things is a tricky thing. Keeping busy and distracted helps anxiety, which in turn calms the physical stuff. I know it sounds stupid, but it does work, though I know it is easier said than done. Unfortunately with anxiety, you may find these physical symptoms like a rollercoaster - sometimes they really peak, but then they drop away to nothing....come and go, but remind yourself that this is unbdoubtedly JUST your anxiety. x

04-04-16, 00:14
You've explained that really well, Debs. I am dealing with physical symptoms and the one thing that helps is the fact that nothing stays the same - the symptoms change in severity all the time. It helps to remember that they are not always so bad. x

04-04-16, 11:00
Thank you everyone for your replies.
You're all so right.
Today I'm actually feeling much better, ive woke up and realised that my stomach isnt bloated/swollen of a morning, its gets worse as the day goes on.
I also find that globus isnt so strong, neither is neck/back pain.
It all gets gradually worse over the day.

Thank you all again for your replies they really help! <3 xxxx