View Full Version : Hello - After some tips

03-04-16, 19:13
Hello everyone. I am new here, I am 23 year old male just trying to keep up beat about life. I've been battling some mild anxiety and been browsing the site and elsewhere for help for a while.

I am about to share my story with you and ask for some tips but I guess it's only fair I share my coping mechanism first for help to others, you may find it useful or just plain right stupid. What helps me is constantly reminding myself yes I may have anxiety, yes my body may feel like it is constant fear BUT that is not going to stop me living my life the way I want to. Whenever I hold back on doing something I go in my head "hang on mr Anxiety we're going to do this "incredibly scary task" and you're going to do it with me". Sounds crazy I know but it may help for you.

Here's my story anyways, recently I was unhappy in my job so decided I wanted to travel the world. I came across a course called a TEFL which meant I could study to do this qualification that would enable me to teach in Thailand. I'd work my stressfull 9-5 finance job then come home and study all evening along with my exercise. After I completed the course my mornings and evenings before and after work would be sorting out skype interviews with schools in Thailand etc. Let's just say my life was non stop; no rest and I actually kind of loved it.

I eventually secured a position in Thailand and I am due to fly out on April 28th to start my new life. I found however where it is all now sorted I was struggling to relax in my spare time after work so I would resort to working out every day in an attempt to kill this tension of having nothing to do and of course to help me sleep. This small tension began to creep into my every day life mainly in situations where I have no control e.g. train journeys, work meetings etc. I can feel my body tensing up and it's like I need the urge to move. Fight or flight kicking in. I suffered my first panic attack (or close to one) on a train to London one morning after a big drinking session where I felt the need to escape the situtation or else I'd lose sanity.

After this frightening situation I had a few days of worry but I began to fight the anxiety, I started eating more healthy, I started relaxation techniques and mindfulness (Cannot stress how much this helps, anyone should try mindfulness) and I cut out all caffeine. The anxiety seemed to be decreasing, not fully gone but it was becoming more bareable. I also had a phone therapy with a charity called nopanic where the guy stated on my first session that it sounded like my anxiety was mild so he canceled all further sessions.

This weekend just gone I had to fly to Scotland to see my Nan who is very poorly through cancer and with me going to Thailand sadly this trip was the final goodbye. The flight out was a worry but to my surprise I really enjoyed it and felt almost relaxed and content for the first time in months! It all seemed to good to be true because on the flight back we received an initial delay and I could feel the nerves kicking in. Then on the plane we were delayed further and bang the adrenaline kicks in, the anxiety is back. The thoughts of Im losing my head get me off this flight surface. I did manage to calm myself down but felt pretty shaken all day after.

I have this huge 15 hour flight with a stop approaching to Thailand soon and I need some advice to make it more barebale. Unfortunately I can't get the help for the anxiety I need due to how soon I am flying out so self help, relaxation techniques and positive thinking it is till then! What tips do you guys have for me in preparing for this 15 hour marathon? Do baches rescue remedy work or take the edge off?

I know theres always asking the GP for some Xanax but I want to train my brain to think it's ok to fly / travel without drugs.

Sorry for this ridiculously long story but I feel like I needed some friendly tips / advice. I also like to help out where I can as I understand with anxiety it is easy to become self absorbed so if anyone just needs a chat I am here.

Kind regards all.

03-04-16, 19:19
Hiya MrTense and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes: