View Full Version : pmt

06-03-07, 10:25
i hate coming on here now as i used to be able to reply to so many but my kids are making me so busy that i cant

but my pmt is so bad at the minute i feel the stress is gonna kill me

i actually felt like i was gonna go insane i was so angry with the kids today but it wasnt them it was me and my pmt and my fears

anyone else suffer terribly with this as im frightened im gonna die now

hope you can help


06-03-07, 20:09
Hi Jackie,

I can relate to this. It scares me how angry I get, I just completely lose my rag over little things and I'm not able to control my emotions at all. I particularly hate my husband when I've got PMT. I do love my children but I find it hard to be as loving as I am the rest of the month, if you know what I mean.

Have you tried Evening Primrose 1000mg? I took this for a few months and it helped enormously (to the point where my period took my by surprise each month coz I had no symptoms!), then I forgot for a couple of months and last month my PMT was back with a vengeance. So I've started taking it again this month.

As well as helping my anger with the PMT, I feel it also helped my anxiety at this time. It's definitely worse when my period is due. But then, everything is. And mine starts a good 10 days before my period comes. So I feel I spend most of the month miserable.

I hate the fact that I am so horrible, and that my children are probably scared of my reactions. Definitely try the Evening Primrose if you haven't already, as I think it helps enormously.

06-03-07, 20:53

Under the welcome topic is a post with common threads in it. There is one for women so have a read of that

06-03-07, 21:17
Hi Jackie,

I have had the most horrible PMT, just like you felt like I could kill someone with anger:ohmy: , then I also had the painfull breasts, headaches ect.
So last month got prescribed some progesterone only pills to see if it helps me. I have taken 9 pills so far and cant wait to see how I am as I approach my period. Mention it to your Gp ,you shouldnt have to suffer :hugs:.

06-03-07, 21:59
Hi Jackie,

I often feel more stressed and anxious when I am premenstrual so you're not alone there. Horrid isn't it.

Actually I was thinking of you recently and wondering how you were getting on as not seen you post for ages.


Take care,

Lisa x