View Full Version : I feel like I am dying....

04-04-16, 03:38
Hello everyone, I haven't been here in a while, but just need some advice or encouragement. This has not been a good year for me in reference to my anxiety.
I am having some horrible symptoms and I am praying they are only anxiety. I AM under a lot of stress right now because my husband is getting ready to retire from the military next month after 20 years. My 5 kids and I are getting ready to move in with my parents for an undetermined amount of time, while my husband stays here and works. It's a long story, but there are huge changes happening in our life right now.
I am going to list my symptoms, if ya'll could just tell me if you have ever had these symptoms before with anxiety, I would appreciate it:

MAJOR stomach issues (mainly constant gas)
severe fatigue
left side pain (shoulder, rib cage, etc...)
feeling weak in my body
irritable all the time
low pulse at times

I am sure I am missing some, but these are constant (except for the low pulse). I am trying to get a hold of myself because I have so much going on and my kids need me. I do take Xanax on occasion, but I am trying not to take it too much.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.

04-04-16, 04:33
go see a doctor, rule out medical issues, when given a clean bill of health, you can work on anxiety removal.

04-04-16, 07:24
I have had most of these symptoms in the past except for a low pulse but I've never checked my pulse so I wouldn't know.
If you know you're anxious, which by the sounds of it you are, then you know that there are many many symptoms that go hand in hand with anxiety.
As Josh says, have a check up with the doctor first. Even if they are all anxiety related you can take medication to ease a lot of those symptoms. Also you will then have the reassurance you need and can start addressing the anxiety.
You'll find so much help here and plenty of support too.

04-04-16, 11:15
All those other than the low pulse as far as I know, could definitely be anxiety which it most likely is if you have had a clean bill of health lately and as you say, you are under a lot of stress right now but for peace of mind, see your GP and they will give you a check up and also maybe refer you for some therapy or self help groups to help with your anxiety and stress levels.

04-04-16, 14:52
Thank you all for your responses. I plan to see a doctor when I get settled in Ohio with my parents. It's the waiting that is killing me :weep:

07-04-16, 13:41
How low is your pulse ? Are you quite fit and exercise a lot ?

07-04-16, 13:56
Interested to see your response to Kiddymack999 question. Like to see what you consider low. My pulse is generally around 60 resting and my mothers is around 55 and we are not athletes. Peoples normal resting heart rate varies quite a bit from person to person. I assume it probably raises with activity. My doctor told me it was a good thing, that my heart was only beating as fast as it should to meet my bodys demands.