View Full Version : Sudden onset HA

04-04-16, 09:22
Hi everyone,

I'm new to this forum and to HA in general. It seems to have come out of nowhere but currently I can't think of anything else and it's making my life hell.

All started with a doctor visit last week. I had a throat infection about 6 weeks ago and noticed a tender swollen lymph node in my neck. Thought nothing of this (as that's what they do, right?). Fast forward 6 weeks and I still have sore throat on and off (pretty much gone now) so go to doctor to check it's nothing that needs a little help clearing.

He says there's not much he can do as all looks ok just a bit red. So I just bring up my node out of interest. He feels it and says yes it is swollen. It's soft and moveable which is all good. BUT if it doesn't go down in a couple of weeks then come back and they may want to test for any underlying conditions.

Like what? I ask.

And that's when he mentioned lymphoma (albeit he did say not to worry and that the lumps would probably feel like marbles).

But now I can't stop thinking/obsessing that I have this disease and am going to die and not see my child grow up.

I have never been like this before and it's awful. Just looking for some words of wisdom from all you HA sufferers of how you manage to deal with and overcome this problem.

Thanks for listening
