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View Full Version : coeliac disease & dietary diseases

04-04-16, 13:36
Hello all,

Just wanted to see if anyone suffers with this or other dietary diseases and how it effects your mental well being?

I suffer with anxiety and i have done for a number of years, but since being diagnosed as a coeliac its really effected me. scared to eat incase i make myself ill and so on, would love to see how others feel.


Gary A
04-04-16, 14:07
I don't suffer from coeliac disease, but I can tell you that you shouldn't fret. It's simply a case of adjusting to a gluten free diet and sticking to it. As it's an auto-immune condition, there's unfortunately no cure, but it's a highly manageable disease which can be controlled by simple diet and lifestyle changes.

It's a total pain, I get that, but try not to worry too much, it's a very common condition.